~~~~SIXTY FOUR~~~~

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It was the most miserable phase of my entire life, walking alone in the chill beneath the dark snowy and starry sky.

I was consumed by very many emotions, most of which I was still uncertain of.

At least one was prominent, I was heartbroken, on top of that, I felt so cheated.

Could life feel any more awful than it was, to be sincere, I had no idea as well.

I was in tears, feeling so sad and betrayed, my mind was wandering off to the words Conan had told me.

They still loudly lingered at the back of my mind as though everything that had happened was still happening.

I was crying, I was so far from home.

I stopped in my tracks at the road side.

Not minding about anyone being around, my grief got the best of me.

A while later, I squated and covered my face feeling humiliated.

My cries grew louder and louder but there was no one to notice that.

It was the most ruthless Christmas I had ever had, it was the worst of my life.

I started to emotionally sever myself from everything that had the meaning of love in my life.

I chose there to give up on romance.

I walked home miserably for the rest of the journey.

It was a few minutes to 10:00pm when I walked through the main door.

Every one else seemed away in there bedrooms and others on television.

I did not bother to announce my presence at all as they all looked drowned in what ever it was they were doing.

I walked up the stairs and straight into my room.

Once inside, I locked myself inside and then I started to undress everything I was wearing.

My mind was out of my body and I was acting as though I had been programmed to do so.

I did not know exactly what heartbroken did afterwards so I hoped that if I showered things would become better.

I walked into the shower and then I opened the tap.

The water then hit my face and cold as it was I was barely feeling a thing.

I had intended not to turn on the heater, may be some pain would cure the agony.

As the water washed my body, I was even more depressed but at least I wasn't crying so much.

Even if I did, no one would hear because my sobs were being covered by the gushing and splashing sound of water.

After I finished showering, wearing a towel, I walked up to the bathroom mirror.

It was covered with some mist and I wiped it away and looked at myself.

My reflection was awful, it was so miserable that I couldn't stare longer.

I noticed there and then that there was something that was around my neck.

I looked down at my chest when I remembered that tag that Conan had given me.

I was steal wearing it and a part of me forced my fingers to grab hold of it.


I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now