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"Where had you been, I was so worried sick about you?" Arthur said the moment I walked through our room's door.

"Watch out, I have a few wounds and bruises." I said before he pulled apart from me.

"What happened to you, why do you look this bad?" Arthur asked.

"What should I tell him?" I asked myself and started to debate.

He was the kind of person I was very sure would pick up a fight for me at least but I did not want him to have a bad reputation with the other children the way that I did.

I knew that if I told him the truth, there would be dire consequences that would affect both of us so in order to prevent all that from happening, I chose the easy way out, I lied.

"I was not really paying attention when I left the examination room and immediately I approached the stairs that descended down the building, I tripped and fell down." I replied.

"A fall, it is a miracle you survived it, why were you clumsy, you need to be very careful with your life." He said.

"But even if I died at some point, it is not like my family would actually care, do not whine about it." I said.

"Who said there are people out there who won't?" He asked me.

I zoned out a little bit as I took what he had said into thought.

Of course the Bells would care so much, they were practically like the one family that I had close to me, they treated me like they treated their children and even showered me with as much love as they possibly could.

"I am so sorry, I ended up there." I found myself saying it.

"I still cannot imagine that you could be that careless with your life, just promise me that at least you will be more careful again and safer." He said.

"I certainly will." I replied.

"So I understand that the year has oddly been shorter and even flown faster than I expected." Arthur said as he sat down.

"So?" I asked.

"I was really very grateful for each and everything that you have done, you have made this one hell of an interesting year." Arthur said.

"Thank you so much." I said.

"And as much as I know, you love reading books so I thought I could get you a gift." Arthur said.

"What, for real, when?" I asked almost amazed.

Other than the Bells, he was the other person who had cared to give me a present, no one else had ever bothered before.

"Come on, take it." He said as he handed over a cuboid like object wrapped in a blue gift wrapper. 

I took hold of it and ripped the box open and at last I caught sight of something that was very amazing.

"Wow, the very popular novel FIFTY SHADES OF GREY, a copy of my own." I said very surprised in deed.

"It is wonderful." I added.

"I knew that you would love it." Arthur said.

"How did you get the book in a restrictive boarding school?" I asked Arthur.

"I have my ways and a good magician never reveals his secrets." He simply replied.

"This is too much for me to handle, you must have spent so much, all this was not necessary." I said.

I was overwhelmed and I inwardly felt myself burdened by this.

I did feel happy but then I was guilty deep down at the bottom of my heart because I knew that there was something I had kept a secret from Arthur.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now