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"What are you looking at?" Michael asked me.

"Do you mind, I am a visitor and I am not some kind speculator of your body." I said.

"Oh, why do you look so surprised, I am wearing something." He said and laughed.

"Could you totally put on something and stop advertising whatever fruits of youth they are that you have, we were all gifted." I said.

"I am an aspiring model so I was just taking some shots to add ti my private portfolio." Michael said.

"Oh, I do not care, I just came over to tell you that I am ready to go but it looks like I need to wait for you since you definetly need more time to prepare yourself." I said.

"Oh yes, just give me a few minutes and I will be ready." Michael said.

"I will be waiting downstairs in the living room for you so I will take your leave right now." I said turning around to move.

"Wait." Michael halted me and at once I stopped in my tracks and looked back at him.

"What is the matter?" I asked him.

"Could you shut the door behind you?" He said.

"I was certainly going to do that." I replied and continued to make my exit.

"Wait." He halted me again and I stopped but this time not bothering to look back at him because gazing at him in that condition was slowly starting to make me feel uncomfortable.

"What is it now?" I asked him again.

"Please, do not tell anyone about what you have seen in here. " he replied.

"I certainly wouldn't even if I was not in my right mind." I replied and continued walking away.

Once I was outside, I closed the door behind me and leaning against it, I sighed out of relief.

"Goodness, I will certainly never walk into Michael's room even if I was told when he is there, what was that even about?" I said to myself.

I rested on the door for a few seconds before my heart would normalize once again.

It had been beating violently from the very instant that I had seen what I had seen.

I then remembered.

"Go wait in the living room." I said to myself and I slowly made my descent down the stairs back to the living room.

Once I was downstairs, I took the seat that was closest to the living room exit and as Georgie still enjoyed his cartoons, I simply picked my cell phone from my pockets.

Almost that very instant, it vibrated and studying the number that was there, it was an unknown caller.

"Who could this be?" I asked myself before I answered the phone call and brought the phone closer to my left ear.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hello." A very deep and rough voice replied from the other side.

"Who is this?" I asked curious as to who could be having my number when I did not know them.

"Make a guess." The person replied.

"Come on, whoever you are I am not in the mood for a joke." I said.

"It is just a simple guess." The person spoke in a very annoying tone that I felt was getting on my nerves.

"I cannot seem to be familiar with you nor can I begin to guess who exactly you really are so if you cannot save me the hustle and give me a proper introduction or name, I will not hesitate to hang up." I said.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now