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I walked up to our secret place above the main hall weary and weak while I kept my head down, very much looking so disappointed.

My mind was crowded with thoughts, my heart ached bitterly and I felt suffocated.

I could not bring myself to understanding why it hurt so much.

I had grown close to Arthur, much as I did not really love him as a boy friend, I was quite happy having him for a friend.

He was the first person that ever understood me in the whole school when I had just arrived in my first year.

And then I had broken his heart, just what I had feared three years ago had happened a couple of minutes back.

I was so drawn to the misery that followed that I did not have the courage to smile even once.

I stood and gazed at the sun that hovered above the city soon to set in a distance from its horizon.

The aftermath of my conversation with Arthur was apalling that it had forced me to forget about the library.

I stared at my brand new watch from Conan and it was only fifteen minutes past five in the evening.

"So much for a birthday." I heard a familiar voice say and at once, the space on my left was occupied.

I kept quiet pretty much sure it was Conan and it was.

"Nathan, what is wrong? You look a little bit sad, so down and lonely." Conan said.

"I had a talk with Arthur." I lowly replied.

His face was filled with awe the next time that I stared at it.

"Oh, not quite what I expected to hear." Conan said.

"Hmmm." I muttered.

"And the both of you got into a fight? It seems like something bad happened." Conan said.

"It was more of a quarrel." I genuinely replied.

"It must have been a really bitter one." Conan added.

"It was." I said.

"I am so sorry." Conan apologized.

"You shouldn't be." I declined.

"Why, I have a feeling it was because of the watch?" Conan said.

"It was about the watch but it was all entirely my fault." I replied.

"Why would it be your fault?" Conan asked me.

"Well, I lied to him for so long." I replied.

"What do you mean?" Conan asked with a look of curiosity spread across his face.

"I never actually told him that I loved you and that we had a relationship." I replied.

"Oh, so you told him today?" Conan asked.

"He actually knew it way before, for years since that time you took me to the Wish tower." I replied.

"I am so sorry." Was all Conan said.

"I don't know, what hurts is much more than that you see." I said.

"What?" Conan asked.

"Well, all that time I kept him in the dark, originally, Arthur disliked the idea of me getting involved with you in anything.

He greatly detested me even getting closer to you in any way that when he found out I went against him, he must have been furious.

He might have comprehended it in a way that I do not attach any meaning to him and his affection." I replied.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now