~~~~TWENTY TWO~~~~

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"Alright, we'll see you around soon." Mrs Bell said as they bid us adieu.

I stepped onto the porch walking beside Arthur and we made our way down the stone walk.

"So, how was the surprise?" Arthur asked me with a smile.

"It was fine but the timing and the destination was inappropriate." I replied.

"How, I came in time before lunch and just at the right place to eat something made by you." He replied.

"I'm flattered you care." I said in a sarcastic tone.

At once we ceased to move and he looked straight into my eyes.

"Are you sure you are not flattered?" He asked me.

I studied him and there was a look that was engraved on his face, a look that I had seen before but had never looked as deep as it was then.

It was a look I had never taken to study keenly and one that I had seen but ignored many times.

"You actually care, don't you?" I asked.

"What do you think?" He asked me standing really close.

I started to feel intimidated by the gaze.

"We should probably continue." I said trying to cover up the conversation.

"Sure." Arthur immediately replied.

This atmosphere started to make me feel awkward and I weakened gradually deep down inside.

What would I do if he actually felt something deeper for me like Mrs Bell said, what would be of our friendship.

I knew nothing about love, what lovers do, I had seen it all in the movie but personally making it practical felt so difficult.

What does loving even require, I knew not the slightest basics, all the movies I watched were about the heterosexual couples, I had no idea how homosexual ones did it.

We continued to walk and I felt that before anything stupid happened, it was necessary that I steered my own conversation.

I knew that maybe if I let him have the wheel, I would be stuck in the end between another question I would not be able to answer.

"How did you even get here in Eastbourne all the way from Cardiff?" I asked Arthur.

"Oh, I actually never went back to Cardiff." Arthur replied.

I was shocked and that wasn't the answer I had been looking for.

"What, how is that possible?" I asked.

"Well, last time after you told me where it was that you lived I decided to visit Mr Spencer.

He helped me contact my father and when I called my dad, I told him that this time around, I wanted to have Christmas at aunt Elle's place.

At first he had an objection but I convinced him and in the end he accepted." Arthur replied.

I was surprised but the biggest question I had on my mind and I still asked myself was exactly why he cared that much.

It was impossible for it to escape my mind and it was the gist of all my thoughts.

"Just so that you could see me?" I asked.

He stopped to look back at me.

"Yes, I never thought you would feel happy having christmas all alone like I thought you must have felt all those years.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now