~~~~SIXTY ONE~~~~

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What makes Christmas special is not because it is a public holiday but because it brings people together.

We all start to feel the joy of watching the snow fall and the sweetness of the carols that are sung.

Putting all that aside, it doesn't make Christmas my favorite time of year.

What makes Christmas my favorite time of year is the fact that I get to see the love of my life CONAN BROWN.

He alone makes every Christmas time worth remembering and worth celebrating as well.

I only hope that every one can have a lovely Christmas with their lovers like mine.

Nathan Hart.
25th December, 2012.

I was seated on my table wile looking through a couple of things in my records.

It was coming to 10:00pm and I was exhausted from the day.

I had visited the Bells and I had helped them go shopping for groceries for Christmas.

It was Christmas Eve and the streets were filled with so much noises.

There were very many door to door choirs outside singing Christmas carols.

Downstairs in my house, a compact disc of them was playing in the living room.

I had locked myself away with the attempt of escaping from the bustle of the entire household.

Suddenly, as I weny ahead with what I was doing, I was interrupted when my phone vibrated.

I did not hesitate to pick up and see who the caller was.

It was Conan and seeing the name that had been flashed on the screen, I instantly picked up.

"Hello." I enthusiastically said to Conan.

At that time, my fatigue was long gone and I felt empowered to talk.

"Hello." Conan replied and I was relieved.

We hadn't talked since the time that he had abandoned me on the road and I had to walk home alone.

"Where have you been?" I asked him so concerned about his welfare.

"Busy, but fine at least." He replied in a rather sad tone.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes." He replied sheepishly.

"You do not sound fine." I openly confessed to him.

"I am just a little bit too tired and exhausted." He replied.

"Oh, I had absolutely no idea." I said.

"It is fine." Conan replied.

"So why did you call?" I asked.

"I wanted to say sorry for last time." Conan replied.

"You better be sorry." I said in a teasing manner.

"I know that I left you hanging on the roadside and I feel so awful and guilty about it." Conan said.

"Is that the only reason that you should be sorry?" I asked him.

"I am also sorry for not picking up your calls and taking all that time to talk to you." Conan said.

"You are forgiven." I said with a smile and much as Conan did not see it, I was certain that he felt my joy and sincerity at the same time.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now