~~~~FORTY FOUR~~~~

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"Does it still hurt?" Conan asked me.

"No." I replied.

"How is it?" He asked me.

"It is wonderful, very creative and also the very least of my expectations." I replied as we walked out of shop.

"Then I am happy that it is." Conan said with a smile.

One could tell how warm the atmosphere between the both of us was.

I can recall his smile so pure and sweat that it actually sent my nerves on edge.

"Is he this happy because of me?" I asked myself.

"Yes, certainly." Was all I could tell myself as a reply.

Conan, he was very special and full of surprises and at that very moment I was still in shock from the tattoos.

"Is this what couples do?" I asked myself again.

"Certainly not all of them." I replied to myself.

The Bells did not do it, my mother hated tattoos, every other relative of mine didn't.

May be being a homosexual couple was not so bad after all because at least we did things others never got to do.

We spent crazy nights counting stars, dancing in the dark, met more regularly than most couples.

"What is wrong with you?" Conan asked me.

"Nothing." I replied after being pulled from my thoughts.

"You seem to be wandered far away from reality." Conan said.

He did look to be good at reading minds including mine and I guess I was very much of an open book to him.

"Not really, I was just thinking." I replied.

"About me, I get it it's alright." He said boastingly with a smile.

"In what world?" I said not ready to admit to that.

"This one, let us face it Nathan, I know you in ways you can not imagine." Conan said as he continued to walk.

"And which of those are they?" I asked him.

"Your favorite colour is blue." Conan said.

"I told you that while we were back at school, it doesn't count." I replied.

"You love deserts." He said to me.

"Pretty sure I wrote that in my journal that you read when you came to my room." I replied.

"You love reading novels so much." Conan said again not ready to give up.

"Every person with half a brain can figure that out." I said.

"It looks like you are out pf options Mr Brown." I added.

"Your Mr. Brown." Conan said.

"You just emphasized it there is no difference." I said.

"There is." He said.

"Which one is it?" I asked him.

"I belong to only you." Conan replied.

I felt my cheeks heating up and my ears and I was certain that I was blushing so much at that very moment.

That way of his with words was very deep and coupled with his tone and serious appearance, it wasn't hard to resist the touch of his words.

I was certain when it came to me because it gave me a hard time and I wouldn't even try being aggressive at any one point.

"Are you blushing?" He asked straight to my face.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now