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I was on so much pressure that I was sweating profusely, I could not decide on what to wear at that very moment.

I was shuffling through all my clothes, unable to find the appropriate one.

I could not even fathom which part I could believe, the part of me going to meet Conan or the part of me making a fool of myself.

It was going to be very difficult for me to even come to terms with how to speak, I had contracted a cold from one of my younger siblings.

The cold made me sleep into my chore time and having woken up late, I had little time to prepare.

All I was wearing was a towel at that moment, I had not found a suitable pair to keep Conan safer.

At first, I had called him to tell him to break off this meeting but changed my mind when he told me that he had prepared something.

He sounded jolly in the phone call that he made the previous day and it made me even feel worse.

The best I decided to do was to work my way through this and somehow try to keep Conan from contracting the cold from me.

I finally landed on a pair of loose black sweat pants and a big grey sweater.

The size of the sweater was too big but I was alright with it.

I took along with me a black scarf and I wore a pair of simple black sneakers.

Once I was ready, it was only three minutes to 9:00am so I hurriedly descended down the staircase while tip toeing.

If anyone asked me where I was going, I was going to definitely say the public library and they would believe me.

If I came back earlier, no one would even think I was gone because no one simply cared so much in my family about my whereabouts.

I got my bicycle from the garage just like Conan had asked me to the previous day and I made my way to the end of the street.

I was doing pretty well containing my cold so I knew that definitely, Conan would not notice anything.

I had left my meds behind in the fear of him seeing them.

As I approached the end of the street, I saw Conan smiling at me with his own blue mountain bike.

I put my head low as I approached him slowly.

"Today, you are late." He said with a smile.

"Where are your manners, a formal salutation would do best to come before a scolding." I said.

"Pardon me, good morning." He said.

"Good morning." I replied with a serious face.

"You look so dull today." He said.

"Nothing much, It is just cold." I replied and was quite thankful that there was a mass of clouds that shielded the sun.

"You are right, it feels a little chilly." Conan said as he looked at me supposedly studying me.

"What you are wearing." He said.

"What is wrong with it?" I asked slightly looking up at him.

"Nothing, I was just going to say you look nice in an oversized sweater." He replied with a hysterical laugh he tried to keep low.

"Winter is near, what more would you expect me to turn up in, a pair of skinny jeans?" I said.

"It makes sense but the chill is not intense." Conan said.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now