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"What do you think Henry would love the most?" Katie asked.

"I do not know, may be some brain storming would do just fime." I told Katie.

"Alright then let us try many choices." Katie said as she googled it on the computer.

"Interesting gifts for boys." She typed into the search engine.

"A watch?" She said.

"Not romantic at all." I replied.

"A phone?" She said.

"Too expensive and I am certain they are forbidden on school grounds." I replied.

"A football?" She said.

"More sporty and not romantic." I replied.

She was about to read something else then I stopped her.

"Wait." I halted mightily.

"What?" She turned to me and asked.

"May be let us get more creative at this." I replied.

"What are you trying to mean?" She asked.

"Take a leaf from Conan." I said as I pointed at my golden tag.

"You suppose I should get him a golden tag as well." Katie said.

"No." I replied.

"What then?" Katie asked.

"Make him something so sweet, if he is a sports player then you should perhaps order a jersey with something creatively you.

Something that he will feel certainly makes him a meaningful person in your life.

Think of words to put there to make him understand how serious you are and how much you mean to love him." I replied.

Katie looked puzzled as though trying to process what I had just said.

"Get him like a jersey of his favorite premier League team and add a catching statement for a name like.

HENRY AND KATIE FOREVER. Or something else that you can think of." I added.

Her face lit up almost instantly.

"Perhaps you are very right, may be that could do very well." Katie said in a very jolly tone.

"It will leave him flattered that is if he fancies these things." I said.

"I think it will because Henry is a very sentimental person." Katie said.

"Oh, I hope so." I said.

"Someone is now an expert at love, who ever taught you to be so romantic?" Katie said.

"The one and only Conan." I bragged a little an shrugged.

"My innocent two shoes has grown." Katie said.

"I take after my grand mother here." I said teasingly.

"Oh Nate, you are so dead." Katie said as she shot up.

"Sorry, I was just joking around." I said to her and she seemed calmer.

Suddenly, following the short silence, I heard my phone vibrate from my pockets.

"Wait a minute." I said as I slid my hand into my pocket and pulled out my cellphone.

"Who is it?" Katie asked in a whisper.

I studied the screen and read the words on it.

"My mr Pancakes." I said lost in my thoughts before picking up.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now