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Alas, I stood facing the very great, the very vast and the magnificent building that towered high above.

At those familiar tiles and bricks and all those pillars that held up the roof of a house I knew too well.

Home sweet home, most people say but I always asked myself, what is a home without love.

It had been a very long year, alot was on my mind and as I inwardly rejoiced that I had met a few of my expectations, there was also reason for me to mourn.

I had really not known any form of attachment to all the people under that roof while growing up, and as the years multiplied, all hope of fitting in was shattered.

The bias of belief and doctrine run the entire household, and everytime I got a chance to see it, never had a good memory of the place struck my mind.

It had always felt more like a prison, a mental asylum, a living hell on earth, because I could not bear with the torture that was both, verbal, physical and emotional.

I walked towards the wide doors that made up the main entrance, it was like a small palace without servants, we were abundant enough to do every chore so labour was cut.

All the time I had, I could invest in one very good chore I did very well with utmost passion because it lifted my spirits and that was cooking.

Cooking was always fun at the Bells, they did it with some music and evsn collectively while playing, yet here, cooking was simply cooking, there was no fun that was added to the chores that every one simply hated their job.

"I am back." I  shouted like I had occassionally done every time that I returned from school since third grade.

All that ever greeted me was silence and that very fateful day it was not that different.

I dragged my luggage up and once I had approached my bedroom and opened it, I was a little bit happy I was back to my small paradise in this house.

Without wasting any time, I locked myself inside and sorted myself out.

I took a shower and also put on some other clothes before I settled down onto my study table.

I had a list of about ten phone numbers some of teachers and the others of fellow students at my school.

"All my life, most of my casual friends were those from junior school and I never talked to them that much.

I was not sure if Katie had returned from school so I had decided to give it time before I could call her and ask to meet her up.

It had been one very crazy and complicated stressing year and I was very eager to look at my report.

The reading had entirely paid off and I was the sixth in my stream with an average of 90.4%.

I could not help but stare at it, such a first short was very essential a record to keep because I knew from experience, things became harder the more that you advanced to another level of study.

After studying my report card, I returned it back into my school bag and then at that moment, I began to stock all my novels back onto my bookshelf.

I was very happy that I had my privacy here and I cherished my very small library which comprised about a hundred and eighty three books.

There was always a certain comfort that came along with being surrounded by all these books, It was my entertainment given that the televisions in the house had restrictions, the laptops and the computers I had been forbidden from using and I barely had any sports equipment I would have claimed to individually own.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now