~~~~FORTY SIX~~~~

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I ask that time never flies,
That it never goes forgotten by both of us,
Perhaps if I could will it so much I could change,
Amongst all that you would still remain the same.

How much I deeply love the warmth of your love,
Oh how I greatly adore the fragrance of your touch,
My, I am marvelled by the sweetness of your kiss,
How could I certainly forget all that you have been.

I love you even more with a heavy heart,
My only prayer is that time never steals the memories we have.

The love of your life,
Nathan Hart.

I remember that grizzly May morning, my birthday.

It had been three whole years and I was living in my fourth year of High School.

A lot of things had changed along the way the majority that I couldn't certainly begin to comprehend.

Our relationship over the past three years before seemingly grew more intense and there I was on my birthday.

I had battled long enough, I had grown taller by a couple of inches.

I slowly, my jawline had widened a little bit and my skin became more tan than it had ever been.

Being around Conan had really changed me a lot.

I had started to gain so confidence and I actually spoke with many more people.

I managed to get a place on the school teams for lawn tennis, chess and scrabble.

I went ahead to join the music club which I found oddly amazing because it was full of thin and small teenagers like me.

As we had progressed, me and Conan started to drop some classes.

We only shared one class in our optionals and that was French while I took Fine Art and he took Technical drawing on the other.

He was a really competitive person in his academics and he fought so hard to always keep in the top two candidates of my stream.

Disappointingly, my academic progress started to lower and I was thrown back lagging between the fifteenth and the twenty fifth positions of my stream.

Much as I had declined, I got away with it at school, It was never the case at home.

The first time that I got home with a decline, my mother bought me a copy of the New testament.

The second time, she was unwilling to push me into coaching and forced me to join the church choir.

I did but with minimal efforts and when they saw that I was not lively, they willingly dropped me out of the choir.

The following time, it was still a decline and that time around my mother took me to our pastor.

When it followed the next time, another decline sent me to do charity work out of Eastbourne.

It was nice and very many people loved me so much and repeatedly when I asked my mother why she kept on doing all that, she told me that I was being inappropriate.

She told me that I would not excel if I cramped myself up near what she called useless company and I knew very well she referred to the Bells.

She strongly preached that those people had a bad influence on me and given that I spent so much time with them than with my family, she might have been scared.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now