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Dusk was slowly beginning to settle over Eastbourne and the sun was disappearing from view.

It was time for me to make my move and I fixed my pillows beneath my covers.

It always worked in movies so I prayed that it would work this time around.

There was a lot on my mind, especially the fact that what I was doing was illegal.

My fear of being caught at that point outweighed my fear of being rejected.

I could certainly not stop imagining the things my mother would do to me.

Everyone was in doors and up active at that hour.

I had spent most of my day sleeping so as to compensate for the hours I had spent awake.

I had packed my camera, some snacks and I made it a point to wear thick clothes.

Treading through the snow was surely going to be very difficult for me, given that it had become so thick.

Cars had been totally covered and the traces of the serene green natural life were few.

The streets shone brightly already with very many coloured lights.

Night choirs were already bursting into their own sweetest melodies.

I picked up my phone and stared at the message that Conan had sent me about an hour ago.

Will be waiting outside your house, we have quite a long walk ahead of us.

I pocketed my cell phone and lastly placed my torch in my bag.

I wore a very thick navy blue jacket and a black head sock crowned my head.

Black tight trousers adorned my lower half and a pair of thick black gumboots graced my feet.

I wore around my neck a navy blue scarf and additionally my head sets hang there.

I felt so smart, given that I had sincerely worked so hard to keep a nice look.

Much as my bangs still towered on top of my forehead, but the rest felt so new to me.

Putting on my back pack, I tiptoed out of my room and locked it.

I started to stealthily make my way down but then halfway down the staircase, I came face to face with my mother.

"Nathan, where are you going?" She asked me immediately before I could utter another word.

My heart started to pound intensely but I tried my level best to find my composure.

"I am going to sing in a moving door to door choir." I replied.

"Oh, really?" My mother asked.

"Yes, no bothers it is a group of elderly people I am singing with." I added.

I could see her face slowly calm down after I mentioned the word "elderly."

"At what time will you be back?" She asked me.

More questions, more lies, I could feel my once unchallenged innocence start to wane slowly.

"Well, it is charity work so it could even go up to 1:00am." I replied.

"You better find a place to stay after that hour, not on my property." My mother said.

"If all goes to its worst I might rest with the elders at their shelter until tomorrow morning." I replied casually.

"Alright then." My mother replied.

"I better take my leave otherwise the event is soon to start." I said as I dashed down the stairs.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now