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"I am so sorry." I said and instantly pulled apart.

"Watch your step." Michael said to me in a very serious tone as he pointed on the ground where I was headed.

Following his arm I looked and saw small shards of glass.

"Sorry Nate, I forgot to warn you about the broken window." Katie said as she stood and faced me from the doorway.

"It is alright." I replied.

"Once you are done feel free to come in." She said hopping through the doorway and disappearing in the direction of the kitchen.

"Thank you so much." I said to Michael.

"It is alright, there is no need to thank me." He replied with a casual smile on his face.

"Well, even about last time at school, I never got the chance to thank you properly." I said.

"Oh, it is fine with me." He said keeping up his smile on his face.

I then walked into the house hearing him slightly following behind me.

"Right here." I heard Katie calling from my left and turning around I saw her in the kitchen and walked in her direction.

Opening the door a little wider, I walked in and noticed Mrs Bell there.

"Good afternoon Mrs Bell." I said as I walked past her towards Katie.

"Good afternoon Nate, would you  fancy staying around for lunch?" She asked me in a very sweet tone.

"Of course because you asked, I am sure my family would not mind." I replied.

"Very well then." She replied.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Katie who was already dressed in an apron and a hair band.

"I am going to just mash these potatoes a little bit, in the mean time, not to be rude but you are no longer a visitor here so you would not mind helping us set the table." She replied.

"Sure." I said and at once helping Mrs Bell we carried the dishes from the kitchen across to the dining table.

It was made of glass and accomodated a designated number of ten occupants.

Always, the table would be filled on rare occassions when the Bell's grand parents came over for a visit, a vacation or a short stay.

Once the table was ready and set, everyone else came from every corner of the house except Mr Jackson Bell who was busy at work.

We all sat down and this time around, I was seated between Derek and Georgie and we faced Katie and Michael.

"What a lovely buffet, remind me, what is the occassion again." Derek asked.

"Christmas holiday, remember." Katie said.

"Oh my, you kids are simply too much." Mrs Bell said and we all served ourselves and started to eat.

"Tell me now Michael, how was school?" Mrs Bell asked.

"Nothing special, assignments as usual, always reminding us our need to work towards University." Michael replied.

"That is very nice my dear." Mrs Bell said.

"I do not see what is very nice about it, I want to be a model, I want to be the face of every label.

Last time I checked you are trained to walk, pose and smile and keep feelings to yourself.

Does it require a degree or a diploma for that?" Michael said.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now