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"You are a very talented poet ASAP." Arthur said the moment I sat down.

"Thanks but it was only because I had been called up as a representative, I would not have volunteered if I had a chance." I said.

"What inspired you?" He asked finally and having never come across the whole topic or talked to him about it in a while.

"It is nothing." I said to Arthur.

"Not really, such wonderful creation come from a source of inspiration, feel free to talk to me about it." Arthur said.

"Arthur, please, just let it go, could you concentrate on the lesson." I said to him as I slowly started to inwardly wonder what it was that I was going to tell him.

The Bells were the only people who knew my secret very well and were open to me like my very own family, I never imagined coming out to anyone else especially this soon.

I then tried to beat the thought at  the back of my head and hoped he would forget about it.

One memory however tickled the back of my mind and I could not help but question what Conan had done back there.

He stood up in front of everyone and applauded me without feeling shy, why?" I asked myself as I looked in his direction.

It was unexpected but he looked at me with a smile that I was forced to shy away.

I was feeling very awkward at that very moment and I simply decided to immerse myself in the lesson but I was having a very hard time.

It was a short while that had passed by and the lesson came to an end.

I stayed back during recess, a habit that I had developed and found very impossible to undo.

"Why don't you go for recess?" Arthur asked me.

"Because I find it inappropriate and I do not want to be a spendthrift." I replied.

"Oh." Arthur said and then he stood up and marched out of the classroom at once.

After he was gone, I got immersed in reading my PERCY JACKSON AND THE SEA OF MONSTERS Novel.

I was soon to conclude it and had approached the part where Luke had placed the magic fleece on Kronos' coffin.

I felt someone taking the seat beside me and the first person that came to my mind was Arthur.

"You are back already?" I said without shifting my gaze from the book.

"Back, I had not gone anywhere." I heard an all too deep and different voice that I was forced to see who it was.

I froze for a while when I looked at Conan for an instant feeling his gaze burning through my bangs.

I felt intimidated by it and looked back into the book.

"You are a reader?" Conan asked me.

"Look and tell me, what is it that you think?" I asked and all that followed was silence.

"So you love to read." He said and all that I did was to sigh on hearing that.

"What is it that you want from me?" I asked before I turned around and looked at him.

"I do not know perhaps, what do you think it is that I want from you?" He asked me.

"Really, you expect me to know the answer, quit making fun of me and go back to doing whatever it is that you were doing." I said.

"That is very cold of you, where is that old you?" He asked.

"What do you mean the old me?" I questioned looking at him straight in the eye this time around and trying to study him.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now