~~~~FIFTY NINE~~~~

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Conan was fighting to maintain his equilibrium as his feet slowly slid on the ice.

"I do not exactly know how to ice skate." He said to me.

"I do not know as well." I said to him.

"You must be kidding me." He said.

"I am serious." I replied.

"You pulled me on the ice." Conan said.

"So?" I asked.

"I thought that it was one of your field of expertees." Conan replied.

"We have dated and been together for three years and when did you see me ice skating?" I asked.

"I had never seen you but remember I do not stay with you all the time." Conan replied.

"It is so unsafe for the both of us to do this if we do not have any experience at all." Conan said.

"Learning from one another can not hurt the both of us you know." I said to him.

"What if something bad happens to us?" Conan said.

"Since when have you actually been this cautious no offense but the you that I know was the one who loved taking risks." I said to him.

"May be it's because the both of us are growing up that I am eventually starting to see some things differently." Conan replied.

We stood in one place unable to move mainly because Conan was too scared of the ice.

I decided to give him a push but I had forgotten that he was tightly holding on to me.

When Conan went, the result of it all was me automatically following him.

He tried to halt to stop the both of us and when he did, I knocked him over and the both of us fell down.

I closed my eyes as a reflex being afraid that my face would strike the ice.

To my surprise, it didn't and instead, it landed onto something warm an fluffy.

I ceased to breath when I actually felt that my whole body wasn't on the solid cold ice.

Instead, I felt myself supported by something warm and rythmically rising and falling.

I slowly and hesitantly opened my eyes to see what it was and the very first thing I saw to my surprise was a pair of brown eyes.

I was frozen and my body was thrown into shock.

It was the very least of things that I had expected as it took me back to a familiar scenario that had happened about four years earlier.

It was a memory from that time behind the pitch pavilion in my first year of junior high school.

That time that Conan was laying on top of me.

I could feel my face heat up all of a sudden but the worst bit of it was me automatically leaning closer and closer to Conan's face.

I didn't have the strength and courage to oppose the feeling that I felt at that moment.

Even worse, I was unable to comprehend each and every one of the emotions that I was feeling at that time.

My heart started to pound faster and it reminded me that I jad to breathe so I let go of my concealed breath.

I heavily sighed but it didn't alter my current position at all.

Conan seemed to be on point trying to preserve every bit of patience that he was having before I could eventually kiss him.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now