4. January 2019.

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Holidays are here and I am spending them with my mom, well... we usually spend the holidays together but not this year. I'm not resenting it's just empty without her and on top of that, I don't have a tree. We threw away the last one because it takes a lot of space and I couldn't get one myself, I don't drive and it's too heavy for me to carry.

Last time when I heard from Will he said that we'll be in touch and I can't believe that he's a man of his word, he texted me yesterday to confirm for today. I can't believe that he remembered what I said, he surprised me. I wasn't eager to do the training today but since he remembered and I haven't seen him in a while I changed my mind.

I got to the gym and as a welcome, I got a confused look from Will in a way 'what are you doing here?'. I stopped on the stairs waiting for him to say something. "Hmm... You're not supposed to..." "At one." I said slowly as I was looking at him, waiting for him to get there. He glanced down at his wristwatch when he remembered that we moved it to one. As he was getting a towel and a key for me he wished me a happy new year. He looks amazing. He was wearing a darker colored shirt which of course suited him, he looked damn good. When I started bike he came to me and then it was this argument but it was the cutest thing ever, you had to be there. Whenever we argue it's always about the little things but those arguments are seriously the cutest things with us, it's very pleasurable. In a minute or so he asked me how was mine and I tried to lie as best that I could. "It was ok. How was yours?" "It was terrible." He replied and start explaining. For the music they were playing Justin Bieber which is not music for that one day in a year when you want to get wasted and have a great time with your friends, I know it's not my ideal music. For his night out his friends were in charge so he was disappointed, I mean I would be too if my friends didn't remember what kind of parties and music I like. I felt bad for him if he had asked me to plan the night I would find the best music and also the music that he likes to party with.

Later he gave me my favorite thing to do, he brought those purple boxing gloves and showed me some exercises but after fifteen minutes he told me to say goodbye to my friend but I didn't want to so he let me do it for the next thirty minutes. It felt amazing. Sometimes when I hit the bag I hug it to calm it or because I'm washed out and I just hug it.

Damn, something happened that broke my heart for a second, not sure if I can say it, oh well it's not that important and I should move on like Ariana Grande would say 'Thank you, next!'

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