Ice skating

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! Now enjoy my disaster this will also be a third person POV

Third person POV

Out of all people, Emerald and Mercury has always suggested the team needs a break, Salem surprisingly agrees with them. Salem made the decision for them to go ice skating, Arthur wasn't excited about it but he was going anyway.

Once Cinder, Emerald, Mercury, Hazel, Tyrian,and Arthur arrive at a ice skating rink, with no one in it they get their skates on. Tyrian quickly got on the ice and skates, no one excepted for him of all people can skate.

"Hey em race ya!" Mercury shouted to Emerald as he runs, but Emerald was catching up "Ha!" Emerald shouted pushing Mercury aside to get on the ice as she skates she sticks her tongue out teasing Mercury, Mercury gets on the ice. "Children, both of them" Arthur muttered to himself.

Arthur wasn't the one to be much of a skater himself his legs are trembling as he holds onto the ledges, Cinder see's her opening and pushes Arthur, before he could look up she skates away quickly "Cinder!" Arthur shouted trying to get up but ends up falling on his butt.

Tyrian saw Arthur struggling and skates to him "Need a hand?" Tyrian chuckles holding out his hand to Arthur, Arthur knew for a long time he is in love with the scorpion faunus but he doesn't know if Tyrian feels the same way, "That would be helpful of you" Arthur grabs his hand and Tyrian helps him up, Tyrian smiles at the doctor "Do you need someone to skate doctor?" Tyrian asks Arthur "Absolutely" Arthur immediately accepts his request.

Tyrian puts his left hand on Arthur's hip and his right hand on his shoulder, Tyrian was always the one who was a bit touchy everyone knew that but this felt different for Arthur as he felt his whole face go red, Mercury saw this and he falls to the ground. He owes Emerald 10 bucks of lien.

"Wait how did you learn to skate?" Arthur asks Tyrian "I adapted, besides it's also the tail that kept me balanced doctor" Tyrian chuckles, Arthur's thoughts was running and spinning he felt like a idiot and with no hesitation he says "I love you".

Tyrian is left speechless, but Tyrian goes in to kiss Arthur, Arthur kisses him back. "HA YOU OWE ME MERCURY BLACK" Emerald shouted at Mercury "Yeah yeah!" Mercury responded and pouted being absolutely grumpy about it.

Tyrian giggles "You wanna get off the ice, doctor?" Tyrian asked "Oh absolutely" Arthur responded, Tyrian helps Arthur to get off the ice as they hold hands and chat.

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