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Betty woke up and Jughead was watching 'Middle school the worst years of my life' she got up and seductively and walked to the bathroom than Jughead came right after her and they got in the shower. Then betty got dressed in some jeans and a light pink shirt then she put on Jugs hoodie because she was trying to cover her bump. She walked to the kitchen and asked Jug if they could go shopping because once Alice was arrested Betty was payed back what she owed her. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her and put his hands on her bump he said "what ever you Baby. But I will do all the lifting and carrying because you are 7 months pregnant." Betty agreed and she kissed him then they went to the baby store Betty got one crib that was made special for twins they got wipes, diapers, a few more clothes, some binkies, some teething toys for when they are older, and she got a changing table also made for twins. They went home and Betty got the bags of baby clothes toys and stuff. While Jughead carried in the crib and changing table. He put them in the nursery and then Betty said "JUG! I NEED HELP!" Jughead ran to the kitchen to see betty with a jar of pickles she said in a cute voice "Can you open this please." Jug opened it then said "I thought you were hurt." "No I'm fine" she shot back. A couple hours later it was 4:00 betty asked Jug to cuddle then she said "Juggie I think we should get a house." "I was gonna surprise you with this but I already bought one and we can move in tomorrow." Jughead said. "What is it like?" "I'm not gonna tell you its a surprise." Jughead said kissing her head. "After dinner I plan on packing are stuff and you can rest. I also have a moving truck coming tomorrow." Betty looked at him with complete joy. Bughead made dinner together then they went to their room and Jughead started packing. When he was done he got in bed and Betty was already asleep, so he spooned her and kissed her head and slowly fell asleep next to the love of his life.

Bughead life with a baby.Where stories live. Discover now