Baby girl

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Today is July 15 FP was staying till the baby was born Betty was in the driveway playing with the kids when she felt water drip down her leg, she turned to jughead and said "Jug my water broke." Jughead nodded and said "okay guys let's go see papa FP." Jug came back 2 minutes later with the hospital bag and he helped Betty in the car. When he got to the hospital he got a nurse and they brought Betty to a room. Jughead called all their friends and Family and told them that the baby is on its way and when it here they would send pics. Kevin and Fangs showed up and Betty was on a ball moving around. A few hours later Betty was givin an epidural and she laid down she closed her eyes and tried to sleep she woke up two hours later and the doctor checked her and she started pushed within an hour she was born. Kevin came in and held her he smiled and passed it to Fangs and said "did you guys think of a name." Jughead smiled and said "Paris Antoinette Jones." Kevin smiled. A Nurse came and took Paris for tests, and Cheryl and Toni walked in. Betty announced the name and Toni was honored and hugged them then FP and the kids came in and hugged everyone there. When Paris was returned the Nurse said "visiting hours are over." Betty hugged everyone and Fp said he would bring the kids back tomorrow. Betty nodded and fed Paris and Jughead burped her and laid her in the hospital crib then he sat in the chair and Betty fell asleep Jughead texted his dad to see how the kids were. FP said they were good and went to bed at 8. Jughead smiled and he took a picture of Paris and sent it to everyone that couldn't make it and then he sat in the chair and he watched a movie on his phone. Paris woke up and she started stirring Jughead got up and held her a kissed her Betty also woke up and then she fed Paris Betty smiled and said "Juggie will you lay with me." Jug smirked and kissed her head then laid next to her and fell asleep.

*the next morning*

Betty got up and took care of Paris and then a nurse cam in and said she could leave Jughead got up and changed Paris and then they singed the discharge papers they went home and introduced P to Noah Jules Athena and Jay. Betty only had to take care of Paris 2 times during the night she was a pretty quiet baby.

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