Catching up!

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Betty and Jughead sat on the couch and Athena and Jay sat on their laps, while Noah and Juliet were playing on the floor. "So Betty Jug? How is school? How are you doing parenting?" FP asked curiously. Jughead responded with "Well school is good Betts and I still have 2 years. I'm getting my second Book published its called Stonewall hell and it is kinda graphic, it basically talks about my experience at Stonewall. Also the kids are well and we are doing good we just set up new rooms for Noah and Juliet." Betty pulled out her phone and showed FP the pictures of the bed rooms. FP smiled and said "I'm very proud of you 2." Noah stood up and said "Daddy when will we see uncle Kevin?" "Tomorrow buddy. Also FP we would love it if you came to the Pembroke and joined us for a inner circle Thanksgiving that Veronica is hosting." Betty responded with. FP smiled and nodded. After a couple hours of catching up Betty and Jughead returned to the Pembroke. "B and Jughead... I set up a blow up mattress and a crib that can fit Athena and Jay in my parents old room. Also I had Smithers go and get high chairs and applesauce for Athena and Jay. Do you need booster seats for Noah and Juliet?" Veronica said with a big smile. Betty told her "Thank you V for doing all of that and no Noah and Juliet can sit on are laps their good." Noah and Juliet have reached the phase of having separation anxiety. Betty took Athena and Jay to the bed room, fed, changed, and rocked them then put them in the crib. Jughead walked in and Juliet was asleep on his chest and Noah was right behind him, Betty giggled and got Noah changed and Jughead changed Juliet. Noah got on the blowup mattress and fell asleep quickly. Jughead picked up Juliet and tried to lay her on the mattress with Noah but she grabbed his shirt and said "Daddy no! I want you." Betty said "Jules its ok you can sleep with me and daddy." Juliet started to drift off and Jughead handed her to Betty, while he put on his pajamas, Jughead grabbed Juliet and she snuggled into his chest and he kissed her head Jughead laid in bed and Juliet laid on top of him Betty changed and got in bed. Jughead kissed Betty and then they started to fall asleep. Betty woke up in the middle of the night to Veronica screaming at someone, Betty walked out side and saw that it was Alice. Betty started to panic she ran to the bed room and closed the door and locked it and all the kids were in the room.

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