New rooms!

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Betty had been forgetting about everything for about 2 months so it was September. Noah and Jules got beds in separate rooms so when Athena and Jay are older they can move into those rooms. Noahs room was blue and he had a bunk bed but he slept on the bottom and it is baby proofed so he doesn't fall off, Juliet had the same but her room was a neon pink which is her favorite color. Athena and Jay are only 3 months and they are starting to try talking they can't get words out its mostly babbling. Jughead had another book signing in downtown Connecticut and Betty didn't want to go so she stayed with the kids. Jughead was having a lot of worries about Betty so he was constantly checking the security cameras from his phone it was 3:00 and Jughead was done he went to Wendys and got him and Betty some food, then he went home and when he got inside Betty ran and jumped in his arms and kissed him Jughead smiled and showed her the food and Betty smiled and went to the kitchen. After eating Juliet and Noah ran to Jughead and hugged him. "Daddy?" Juliet said all cute. "Yes princess?" Jughead said and gave her kisses. "Mommy finished me and Noahs room wanna see?" Juliet said with a cute smile. Jughead smiled and looked and Betty who was looking at her phone. "Yes I would!" Jughead set the kids on the ground and Noah grabbed betty and they ran upstairs and showed him the rooms. Jughead said "Wow! Mommy did a great job." Then they went to Noahs room and Jughead said "This is cool" Betty smiled and kissed him. "Dad are we gonna have more siblings?" Noah asked with excitement. "Why buddy?" Jughead chuckled, "Well their are four beds and their are 2 of us. Me and Jay when he moves in here when he's older." "Well we will see first we have to let Jay and Athena get older then maybe we will. Me and mommy have lots of time we are only 22." Juliet ran to Betty and said "Mommy I'm tired." Betty nodded and went to her new room and rocked her to sleep then laid her in the bed and put up the child gate so she didn't roll off the bed. Jughead walked in and brought her to the hallway and they shut Juliets door. "Baby you did and amazing job I'm sorry i was busy but I am glad that we gave the kids the new rooms." Betty giggled and kissed him. Noah was in his room playing and he ran out of the room and jumped at Jughead and said "dada I'm tired." Jughead rocked him and put him in his bed.

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