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A week before Christmas Varchie, Kangs, Chonie, Sweet-pea, and Fp arrived in Connecticut and stayed over. It was currently Christmas Day the kids were still asleep the adults were in the kitchen enjoying a delicious breakfast that Veronica had made with the help of Toni. After they ate Betty and Jughead went to the Kids room and got them up and dressed Betty fed Athena and Jay then changed them and took them downstairs. At 2pm Everyone gathered around the tree and they opened presents and stockings once all the gifts were opened everyone went around saying what their favorite gift was. Cheryl said her favorite gift was the necklace Toni gave her with a snake on it Toni said she loved the pink and black leather serpent jacket cheryl got her, Sweet-pea said the new switch blade he got from fangs, Kevin said he loved the book Betty got him fangs said he liked the new bike Sweet-pea got him. Betty smiled and said "I love the kids I have obviously there the best gift ever but other than that I guess the...Pink Floyed viynal from Jug." Jughead smiled and said "My favorite gift was the skull ring from Betty." Noah and Jules said their favorite gift was the kids batterie powered car. Athena and Jay were playing with their new teething toys so they all assumed it was their favorites. A little while later Cheryl, Veronica, and Toni were cooking dinner while Betty fed Athena and Jay. Jughead and the boys were playing video games and Noah and Juliet were playing in the playroom. Once dinner was ready they all gathered around and had a ham dinner with potatoes and green beans. Once dinner was over Kevin did the dishes and Veronica helped. Everyone gathered in the living room and coupled up sweet-pea was all alone but he was fine with it because he was going to make a move on a serpent named Bethany and ask her out when he returned to Riverdale, and Fp was chilling with Noah who was asleep. Athena and Jay were in their swings sleeping. Everyone was watching a movie called Pitch Perfect Juliet was sleeping on Jugheads chest and lightly snoring. When the movie was done Betty put Athena and Jay to bed after changing them and rocking them. Jughead laid Noah and Juliet in their beds and kissed them. Jughead and Betty went to their room and Jughead drew Betty a bath and Joined her once they were done they got in bed and Betty kissed Jughead passionately and they went to bed with smiles on their faces.

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