2nd Birthday

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Jughead woke up on April 1st and he kissed Bettys head and when she woke up he said "So Noah and Jules are 2 years old and in 2 months Athena and Jay will be 1." Betty smiled and said "I love them so much I ordered 2 small cakes one with a emoji unicorn and one with a snake emoji and I need you to pick them up at 1pm." Jughead smiled and kissed Betty. Noah was yelling "dada dada dada" and Juliet was crying. Betty got up and went to Jules room and Jughead went to Noahs room they went to the kitchen and Betty made waffles for everyone and they had a yummy breakfast, and Athena and Jay had breast milk that Betty pumped. Noah and Juliet wanted to have a movie day with Athena, Jay, Betty, and Jug. At 12:30 Jughead went to the store to pick-up the cakes and then he got everyone McDonalds for lunch, when he got back home Athena and Jay were asleep in the swings and Betty Noah and Athena were watching Monsters inc. on Disney+ Jughead put the cakes in the fridge and then went to the living room and gave everyone their food. Betty smiled and kissed him then Betty got Athena and Jay and fed them. Noah and Juliet were tired and they took a nap while cuddling Betty and Jughead. While they were Asleep Betty said "Juggie! I love you and in 2 years they can start pre-k. Their growing up so fast." Jughead smiled and said "well if they are heathy and growing up that means we are doing a good job and they are learning quick and soon Athena and Jay should say their first word." Betty smiled and kissed him. "Betty I have something to tell you." Bettys smile dropped and she looked at him worried "I have a trip for you and me planned in October." Betty smiled and then got up and went over to Athena and Jays swings. Athena opened her eyes and said "Ma-am." Betty smiled and gave her to Jughead and Jay did the same thing for Betty. Jughead smiled and kissed Athenas head and did the same for Jay then Betty asked "where are we going to go?" Jughead said "well we will need to pack properly so ill tell you...Paris." Betty smiled so big and kissed him then Noah and Juliet woke up and asked for another movie they watched Jessie on Disney+. A few hours later Betty and Jug prepaired the cakes and lit the candles they made wishes and blew them out and they had some slices and they opened presents. Noah got a star wars Action figure and Juliet got a baby doll. After that they all went to bed.

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