Chapter 1

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The Ghost jumped out of hyperspace over a planet with other rebel fighters. Their mission was to collect data from an Imperial base on the planet and blow it up. The crew was in the cockpit as they flew into orbit. "So what exactly is this data that Mothma wants us to get from here?" Ezra asked. "That is something I don't know. She never told me about it. But I'm sure it's important." Hera said. "Hasn't she left you out on a lot of information these last few missions." Kanan said. "I know it's odd but she's the boss and we have to do what she ask us." Hera said. "Well it's weird that she doesn't you know." Sabine said. "And the fact that she's putting us on these dangerous missions." Zeb added. "I know don't worry I'll settle everything out when we are done here." Hera said. The Ghost landed in the outskirts beyond the base and they walked out. "Ok, the base is west from here." Sabine said. "Alright lets go." Hera said.

They ran a little ways until they came on it. They hid in a trench and did recon. "Only a few guards. And a two sniper towers. Plus a fighter hanger." Sabine said looking threw her scope. "Alright here's the plan: me, Zeb, Kanan and Chopper will go inside and hack the controls, while you and Ezra set charges on the fighters." Hera said. "We're on it Hera. Come on Ez lets go." Sabine said. Before they walked off Hera called there names. "Ezra, Sabine. Be careful." She said. "Don't worry Hera we will." Ezra said and they walked off.

Ezra and Sabine snuck to the side of the base wall. Ezra cut a whole with his lightsaber and they crept inside the base. They saw where the fighters were and began planting the bombs. They split up and went to different directions. Sabine was sneaking past patrols and putting bombs on each of the fighters. As she hid behind some crates two stormtroopers came behind her. "Hey what do you think you're doing here?" One said. Before she could do anything, Ezra came from behind and hit both troopers knocking them out. "I'm always gonna have to save you aren't I?" Ezra asked smirking. Sabine took off her helmet and smirked at him back. "Only if I let you." She said before kissing him. "I love when we have time for ourselves." Ezra said. "Now, now Mission first. There will be time for that later." Sabine said. They continued to prime their bombs one by one.

After all the bombs were set, they sneaked up a sniper tower and took out the two guards up there. "Spector five to Spector two, bombs are set and ready waiting on your call." Sabine said in her com. "Copy that Spector five. We managed to get past security in here and Chopper is now hacking the terminal." Hera answered back. Suddenly the alarms went off in the base. "Guys what's happening?" Ezra asked. "A alarm was triggered! Chopper hurry up and hack that terminal!" Hera said. "Guys we're seeing a lot of troops entering the base." Sabine said. "Can you hold them off until we can get down? Mothma already confirmed the air strike." Hera said. "We'll try." Ezra said. They got out their blasters and started shooting at troops. Troopers one by one got shot down. More troopers came in and started shooting at them. "We can't stay up here!" Sabine said. "You go down first I'll cover you!" Ezra told her. Sabine slid down the latter and Ezra followed. They took cover behind some crates and continued to shoot down troopers. "Guys where you?! We can't keep this up!" Sabine said. "Almost done! Hang in there!" Hera said back. Ezra and Sabine continued to shoot down troopers. Then they noticed the rebel bombers coming. "No. It's too early!" Ezra said. "Hera please! Get out of there! The bombers are coming in!" Sabine shouted in her com. "Guys I'm sorry. We can't make it out." Hera said sadly. Before anyone could respond, the bombs hit the building and everything went dark.

Ezra and Sabine woke up on the ground with headaches. Sabine got up and saw Ezra still on the ground. "Ezra you alright?" Sabine asked concerned. "Yeah I am." He answered. Sabine helped him up. They look at where the building was and saw it was destroyed. They looked at each other fearing the worst and ran over to the destroyed building. They scrambled threw the destroyed building in search for any bodies. Their search was over when Ezra heard a gasp from Sabine. He ran over to her and saw what she was looking at. They saw their friends on the ground with burn marks on their bodies. They heard faint breathing from Hera and Kanan and they kneeled down to them. "We can still get you help. We can." Sabine said as tears formed in her eyes. "No. It's too late for us. Listen to me both of you. Live your best life and look out for each other." Hera struggled to say. "We will." Ezra said trying to hold back sobs. Kanan grabbed his lightsaber and gave it to Ezra. "Use it the best way you can. I couldn't have wished for a better padawan." Kanan said with the last bit of his energy. "I couldn't have wished for better children. I love you both." Hera said then they both gabe out their last breath and closed their eyes. Sabine and Ezra stood up both crying. Sabine buried her face into Ezra's chest and held onto his shirt while Ezra hugged her back. Both had lost friends and family.

They carried their bodies back to the ship. They dug holes in the ground and put them in it. They stood at their graves in silence. "I never said it but I always thought of Kanan and Hera as my second parents. After I lost my parents, they were there for me and help me over come it. But now I don't know what to do with out them." Ezra said as tears leaked from his face. Sabine put a hand around his shoulder and rest her head on his arm crying. "Ever since I left Mandalore, I couldn't trust anybody. Then when I met them, they took me in, they comforted me in at the darkest point in my life. I can never repay them for that." Sabine said. "We'll miss you guys everyday." Ezra said. They left the grave site, got on the Ghost and left the planet.

Sabine pilot the Ghost in hyperspace and they were on their way back to the base. Sabine heard banging in the back. She put the Ghost in autopilot and went to check it out. It was coming from Ezra's cabin. She opened it and saw Ezra destroying his helmets. He was banging one on the wall. "Ezra. Ezra! Stop please!" Sabine shouted grabbing him from behind. Ezra calmed down and fell to his knees crying. Sabine comfort him also crying. "Please. I don't like seeing you like this." She said. "I'm sorry. I don't know what to do anymore." Ezra said in sobs. "Don't worry, I'm here for you. We'll get threw this." Sabine said and they stayed like this for a while.

An hour later

The Ghost came out of hyperspace over Yavin 4. They landed the Ghost and they were met by Mon Mothma. "Where's the rest of the crew?" She asked. "The mission failed. They didn't make it because you called the air strike too early." Sabine said in anger. "That is....unfortunate. But they should have gotten the data I wanted and got out." Mothma said. "How could you say that?! They gave their lives for this Rebellion and you brush them on just like that!" Ezra said. "They well they didn't complete their mission so we move on from it." Mothma said. Ezra got really angry and ignited his lightsaber. "You wouldn't dare attack me." Mothma said and rebel soldiers pointed their guns at them. Ezra was about to walk forward but Sabine stopped him. "Ezra don't. We're leaving." Sabine said and they walked back onto the Ghost. "Let them leave. We don't need them. They are expendable just like the rest of their crew." Mothma said. Ezra wanted to turn around but Sabine grabbed his hand and they walked to the cockpit.

Sabine flew the Ghost off of the planet and into hyperspace. "I can't believe her. One day she'll pay." Ezra said. "Yes one day. But for now we find somewhere to go." Sabine said. "So where to?" Ezra asked. "How about we go to my parents. They'll let us stay with them." Sabine suggested. "You think they'll welcome me?" Ezra asked. "I know they will, once we tell them about us. And if not, I'll go anywhere with you." Sabine said. Ezra slightly smiled and her and kissed her cheek.

The Ghost came out of hyperspace over Krownest. They landed the ship down near the building and step out. They were met by Sabine's mother Ursa, Sabine's farther Amari and her brother Tristan. Sabine explained why they are here and Ursa hugged Sabine comforting her. "I'm sorry for your lost Sabine and you two Bridger." Ursa said. "Thank you mother." Sabine said. "So why have you two come here?" Amari asked. "We were wondering if we could stay here for awhile." Sabine answered. "Can they mother?" Tristan asked. "Of course but they will have to get married, start their own clan and find a different planet to live on." Ursa answered. "I'm ok with it. What about you Sabine?" Ezra asked. Sabine kissed him on the lips. "Does that answer your question." She said. "Yes it does." Ezra said and kissed her again. "Ha! I knew it!" Tristan said earning a glare from both of them.

An hour later

"And I pronounce you, husband and wife." Amari said. Ezra and Sabine grabbed each other's hands and kissed. The crowd erupted into cheers. "Now all you need is a clan name." Ursa said. "We already got one." Sabine said. "What's it called?" Tristan asked.
Ezra and Sabine said together "Clan Bridger."

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