Chapter 6

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A/N: As my examiniations are drawing near (yes, again) Updates will be far and few. So, don't mind me as I don't think the book is dead. Your patience is appreciated very very much. Thanks again for supporting this book and ignoring weird English errors! One last thing, I want to write another book, so tell me what I should write. I really need some ideas. Okay I'll just get started with this book.

This story will be told in the way someone would write a composition as I want to practise for my exams.

  "Chang'e, Wanwan! Wait up!" Zilong yelled. Chang'e and Wanwan disappeared as they turned at the bend of the route behind the mountain. 


A sound of gusting wind could be heard, quickly followed by another gust of wind. Then all became silent. 

Once Zilong, Ling and Baxia made it to where Chang'e and Wanwan were supposed to be, they were gone! Zilong started to panic. Ling started to panic. Baxia also started to panic. Zilong thought that maybe they had already ran far away. "Split up, the route splits into three. I'll take this one, Ling take that one and Baxia takes that one. If they are not found, come back here," Zilong instructed.

Soon, Ling took flight and landed on one of the stony walls of the maze route.

Baxia rolled along the bumpy road like an oddly-shaped tyre.

Zilong rode his white stallion into the dark forest.

Ling flew from wall to wall, sometimes banging into some kind of force field. 

Baxia's shield got damaged be the outrageously rough road.

Zilong got a little disoriented in the forest.

They all got past the routes and came to another clearing. All three routes led back to one place-a big patch of green grass, sprinkled with some morning dew which glistened in the sunlight. Still no Wanwan or Chang'e to be found.


There the wind was again. This time, a dark figure appeared, and the sky darkened ominously. She had long, purple hair, a very short mop held upside down, and a translucent face mask. (that was useless against the spread of COVID-19) 

Zilong and Baxia looked at her with fear, with curiosity.

Ling narrowed his eyes into two purple slits and greeted her, "Sister."

A/N: Now I know that MLBB did not announce that they are actual siblings but IDC, they give me the feeling that they are siblings. And don't mind my writing, it's crappy. This may be the last update till October. I don't know, it depends. Once again, thanks for supporting! (I'm getting pretty darn irritating)

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