Chapter 3

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Ling's POV

Ten days passed by in a blink of an eye, and now I'm supposed to leave this haven in heaven. I picked up the map and walked towards the door, not bothering to clean up the place or anything. I opened the door and placed a foot outside. I turned my head to look at the house one last time, before I decided to dash away before I change my mind and decline the offer to ever get reincarnated ever again. Besides, I'll die in the next life, so I'll be back.

I used the map as my guide, following the twisting and turning paths, on foot. There are smarter ways to do it but eh. Oddly enough, when I arrived at my destination, instead of seeing the Reincarnation Hub, I saw this time travelling thingamajig instead. How did I know it was a time travelling thingamajig? It said so on a piece of paper attached to its 'forehead' like a talisman on a zombie. 

Just then, a guy with a booth popped up in front of the machine. The same guy who welcomed me to this place. 

"Hello again, Ling. I see that you have come for your reincarnation. Before you do that, though, you must first time travel to the time you will be reincarnated. And that would be about 200 years later, so you must time travel for 199 years and 3 months, so you can be reborn. Now sit inside and close your eyes, this will take no longer than 199 years and 3 months," he blabbered the moment his booth touched the ground. "Wait, how long must I–" "Nah uh uh, get in or you'll be late! Oh and, also, upon your arrival you'll see a guy just like me, and he'll bring you to the Reincarnation Hub. He'll explain everything else later, now go!" The little guy at the booth shoved me into the time travelling thingamajig. 

I remembered his words of advice, close your eyes, so I did, in case opening your eyes will lead to some mishap of sorts like causing the time machine to not work properly and transport you to some other dimension or get stuck in the middle of nowhere. I don't want to talk about it. 

Now, the time machine had a relatively comfy interior, despite the wacky tacky exterior which made everyone shun it. There was a little lamp that shone orangey light, and you could turn it off if you like, but who needs light when you're supposed to close your eyes? I must admit, it was kind or squeezy, but maybe just for people with long legs it is, I wish Baxia good luck. Underneath my butt was a soft, comfy cushion, and the back was also cushioned. Even though I had to curl into a ball to fit inside and spend the next 199 years and 3 months inside, I'm sure it wouldn't be all too bad. But come to think of it, either I will die of boredom, die of lack of movement, die of suffocation or die or hyperventilation, or anything you can name of. 

Oh wait, I'm already dead. HOW DO I KEEP FORGETTING?!

So, now my eyes are shut and weird, wild thoughts are running through my head, screaming at the top of their teeny tiny little lungs.


I felt a sudden gush of wind, and a weird feeling of getting sucked up by those little acupuncture thingies, except this one is huge enough to suck me up. This gave me the urge to open my eyes, and look at what was going on. Considering the fact that the suction kind of lifted up my eyelids, and nothing bad has happened yet, I opened my eyes. My foot. I don't want to be stuck in here for the rest of eternity.

I continued to close my eyes. It was when I heard a swooshing sound from below my butt, IT WASN'T FROM ME, when the door I was shoved through popped open and a tiny little guy dragged me out of the time machine, and when he slapped my face yelling at me to open my eyes, which took my brain some time to comprehend, did I open my eyes.

Just to find myself the same place I was about 199 years and 3 months ago. I guess.

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