Chapter 13

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Zilong's POV

As soon as the rain stopped, I picked up the map from the ground. Chang'e and Baxia were asleep, with Baxia curled up into a cat and Chang'e slept on him. It was still dark out, so I decided to plan our route to find her so that we don't have to worry about losing our way or anything.

About an hour later, the sun started to rise. The air was cool and crisp and the puddles of water from the earlier rain glowed a soft yellow as they reflected the golden sunlight from the sun that was slowly peeking out from behind the clouds. I did my signature wake up call by banging pots and pans together. Chang'e was the first to open her eyes wearily, before covering her ears and jolting to full consciousness. She screamed, "SHUT IT!!!" I didn't stop until Baxia started to roll around on the ground. Chang'e got pissed so she kicked him in the back. He sat up immediately and groaned, "Okay, I'll get up."

I looked at the map, trying to figure out which direction we ought to head towards. "West..." I muttered to myself. I whipped out my compass and followed the direction my 'guide' told me to, along with the other two who followed closely behind. We were not very far from Azrya Woodlands.

Silvanna's POV

Seriously, the abyssal demons are already attacking, where is that Zilong? Never mind. 



Wanwan's POV

Finally, Ling, IN A SKIRT! He struggled when I tried to put it on, but birdies are no match for tigers. The outcome was worth it. I pounced up from Ling and admired my masterpiece. He squirmed around on the ground, struggling to remove it. "HOW DO YOU GET THIS DARNED THING OFF?!?!" He screeched, voice slightly trembling. Tears were forming in his eyes and his face was going red. I started to feel sorry for him, and decided to pull the skirt off. The pink, sparkly, seemingly harmless torture device. While I was pulling off the skirt, his pants came off as well. 

~Special shiny golden light effect~

His underwear, purple. With a Mickey Mouse face smack dab on the butt area.

"Ahhhhhh!!! Gimme my pants!!!" He screamed in embarrassment. Both Luo Yi and I were stunned by his choice of undergarments, as if he used a CC skill to cover the place where the light never shines. Then I remembered about my second skill and broke my gaze free from the Mickey Mouse on his butt. I tossed him the halves of his pants that I probably ripped off too violently when freeing him from the skirt. He raised up the halves and whimpered. Meanwhile, a thought just appeared in my head, "Imagine he farts! Poor Mickey."

Yu Zhong's POV

The rain stopped, and the sky remained as gloomy as ever. I continued to watch those idiots from my 'office' and saw Ling's glossy legs and purple underwear. It had a blob of black I couldn't really tell what it was, so I just assumed he wet-farted some black poop on his purple undies. I decided to swoop down and see how their training was going. Though I already knew, I had to test it out for myself. I transformed into my dragon form and passed through the glass roof and headed straight for the three of them. Wanwan immediately hopped off Ling and used her sleeve darts to hit my weak spots, activating her ultimate. Luo Yi stopped looking at her brother and used splashed me with her Yin Yang powers. Ling was forced to get up and fight in his underwear. That was when I realised, it was Mickey Mouse, not poop. He flew up into the air and used his ultimate, which looked very weird as there was a purple guy in purple underwear flying in circles in the sky before smashing into you. I transformed back to my normal self  and they all stopped attacking me. "Master," they all stood in a straight line and bowed in-unison. I gestured for them to get back up before telling the man they could go for their break. They bowed again and thanked me, before running out of the training hall happily. At least the fighting instinct that the Shard of Purple should bring brought it, and thank god they are obedient. I transformed into my dragon form again and flew back into my 'office', planning to regen my lost HP to those three powerful idiots.

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