Synopsis [UPDATED 17/02/2021]

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<Author's Note: This is an update of the original content that was on this page, see the line that can be found below for the original content. >

UPLOAD SCHEDULE: I try to upload once every two days, sometimes I may be a day late but I stick to it most of the time. My upload time is somewhere between 11:00pm and 01:00am so it ends up listing the release of chapters as 3 days later rather than two because I publish the chapter too late in the day (o.o) Oops!

WHAT CANON AM I FOLLOWING: I will be following the Gameverse canon over the anime one, meaning that the game doesn't end at Floor 75, Sinon and Leafa end up in SAO, the ALO arc is a lot less interesting as Suguo has already been arrested as SAO was cleared and Yuuki doesn't die. Where appropriate I'll be using a combination of the anime and manga/light novel canon for where it is available.

IS THIS STORY GENDER-NEUTRAL: Yes! Or at least, I'm trying to keep it that way! But I am writing this with my own male OC in mind so sometimes they may be referred to as a he, but I try to double check my work before publishing and if I do it right all references to the reader are either using their Username/real name or as they/them.

WHO WILL BE THE ROMANCED GIRL: As of right now (12/12/2020) I haven't decided yet, I am considering several options currently. Currently I am trying to give each girl adequate development with the reader to develop a realistic friendship between the two.

WHAT ABOUT THE BOYS: Sorry, but I don't have any plans to write a reader x male relationship, but I have already integrated Agil and Kirito as friends of the reader and I do plan to integrate the other males similarly. They will get proper development and won't be treated solely as catalysts for chapter progress.

WHAT WILL I BE LEAVING CANON: Asuna and Yui will remain with Kirito, and Kirito's impact on the world of SAO will not be impeded or way-sided by the presence of the reader, but rather the reader's presence will allow the two to team up and prevent several deaths. Kirito will still be the only dual-wielding swordsman and his story arch with Asuna (joining the guild, losing his hand and getting married etc.) will remain intact.

ANY OTHER NON-CANON CHARACTER'S BEING ADDED: I will try and avoid it, I generally dislike stories that add too many new, original characters (probably because of my poor memory and I keep forgetting which is which!) and I dislike when these extra characters don't have names so you end up with a bunch of F/N-esque tags in the text when trying to converse with these added characters. If the character exists in any of the canons of SAO then they are fair game, otherwise the only new character will probably be the reader.

MY USE OF ONOMATOPEIA: I'm not the greatest at writing fighting scenes with detail, so I tend to use onomatopoeia to provide an impression of the way the battle is occurring- it's fairly self-explanatory but I'll put an index of currently used onomatopoeia here which I will update as needed:

The reader mainly uses their spear, so the most often onomatopoeia you'll see is *STAB* but you'll also see this from rapiers and any other thrusting weapons.

Swords, Daggers and other slashing weapons will use *SLASH*

Clubs and other blunt-force weaponry currently use *WHAM*

Also, Axes will use *SWISH*  whilst bows use *FWIP*

When using a sword skill the player charges it up, this is shown with a *SCHWING* which is then followed up with a normal weapon noise as written above.

In the case of parries, they will be shown as *PTING* and can follow after a sword skill if it's a parrying sword skill.

If you have any questions, critiques or any other feedback, please let me know.
This is my first story and any feedback is good feedback in my opinion!

Thanks for checking out this story!

~ OBahar



It's kinda late atm so won't be writing the first main chapter tonight, but decided to stop procrastinating and get the foundations built so I can start making progress- might as well ask some questions that may guide my story

* Harem or Single Waifu? (if so, who would you prefer?)
* I'm using the gameverse canon, but should I introduce characters like Sinon & Leafa near the start like in Integral Factor or after floor 75 like Hollow Fragment? What about Yuuki, early on or end of SAO?
* I plan to have Y/N utilise the non-combat skills throughout the story, cooking & smithing came to mind- not really too knowledgeable on the others but am open to suggestions.

If I come up with any other questions I'll throw them below here, other than the second question these don't need answers until way later on- so unless I'm like 10 chapters in then I'm probably accepting answers still. 

Not really too sure how this site works just yet, just sort of looking at other writer's non-story content and typing words in the input field, looking forward to my time on here!

Can't for the life of me figure out how to add bullet points, I'm looking at a formatting help sheet and doing as they say to do but its not working!

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