🤙'~Holding Pinky's ~'🤙

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[Luke's POV]

it was a Friday morning, in early Autumn. the leaves had started turning all different warm shades on the color wheel, such as Orange, Red, Yellow, and some brown. the weather was nice, about 70 degrees fahrenheit. I sat on the ground, my back against one of the many trees, waiting for my best friend, Zander Wickham, and his step-sister, Hailey Austin, were we always met for our morning walks to school.

I hear someone call out my name. "Luke". I look up to see Zander. and feel a warm blush creep upon my cheeks.

"H-hey Zan" I said, looking up from the ground. and seeing his sweet, but serious face. as he got closer, I noticed a little smirk creeping upon Zander's face. I stand up, and we finally meet.

"Were's Hailey? wasn't she going to walk with us like normal?" I asked, looking behind him to see if she was there.

"nope. she is sick. we'll have to talk with the band members when lunch starts. and, I suppose I could go to Jake's table, and ask him as well." Zander said, rolling his eyes.

I chuckle

"well, we should probably get to school. c'mon" said Zander, reaching out his pinky, like he is holding a tea cup.

I look down at his small, blistered hands. I look up at his face, and realize he has bags under his eyes; he had been staying up late, practicing again.

"Zander, you need to stop playing so late. you've played so much, that your hands are blistered." I said, with a concerned look on my face. he frowned.

"I'm fine Luke. I just want to make sure the competition goes perfect. I don't want to mess it up" he said, resting the hand he held out on his hip.

I walk a step closer, and put my left hand on his jaw, stroking his cheek gently, I say "okay. but please, get some more sleep. I'm worried about you. not getting enough sleep can lead to depression. so, please? for me?" I say, staring into his dreamy, periwinkle eyes.

I notice a bit of a blush creeping into his face, matching mine.

"o-okay. lets just get to school." He says, moving my hand off his face, and grasping my pinky with his.

[Zander's POV}

as me and Luke start to walk, getting closer and closer to school. we walk onto a slightly busy street. though there is a sidewalk, so it is fine to walk down. he walks on the inside, closer to the houses, still holding onto my pinky finger. but, after a minute or so of walking down the busy road, he lets go of my pinky and stands on the side closer to the road.

"why did you move over there?" I ask, with a confused look on my face.

"if something happened, and a car slid off the road onto the sidewalk, I would rather it hit me than you." he said, grabbing my right pinky finger with his left.

"w-well I would rather it hit me. but I'm sure nothing will happen." I say as we get off the busy road, and approached the school.

we walk in, and head to our first block class. today, we have gym.

"ugh. I hate gym class. but if I don't get my grade up I'll be grounded" I said, rolling my eyes as we made our way to the changing rooms.

we walk into the changing room, were the rest of our male classmates are, switching into their gym clothes.

"that one is free." I said, pointing towards one of the changing stalls.

"then go in" said Luke, shrugging his shoulders.

"I um...I didn't bring any clothes to change into" I said awkwardly

"oh, well, here borrow some of mine. I have extra." He said, handing me the clothes he was going to wear.

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