24: date night

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The first week back seemed to go by in a rush, and that Friday, as Dahlia stood in front of her mirror analyzing her outfit before her date with Connor, she sighed as she tilted her head.

"Soooo... not the denim jacket?"

Kat's question pulled Dahlia out of her daze and after shrugging out of the jacket, she tossed it on the bed before she marched back over to her open-closet.

"Too many Prescott-related memories tied to that thing."

"Well, if that's the case, you're probably gonna have to go on this little date naked."

Dahlia's head whipped over as she stared in shock at Kat, who simply shrugged her shoulders with a smile on her face.

"What? You and I both know that every item of clothing in that closet is gonna remind you in some way of Jordan, and since you don't wanna wear something of mine, I gotta ask, babe..."

"Ask what?"

Kat took a deep breath and exhaled before she bit her lip nervously, not wanting to upset Dahlia anymore than she had already been the past few weeks.

"I don't know. You just- you don't seem too excited to be going out tonight. I thought you wanted to give Connor a chance."

"I do, Kat. And that's the plan. Or, at least, I thought it was-- right up until I talked to Jordan."

"What do you mean?"

Dahlia had long forgotten about choosing her outfit and was sitting back on her bed, across from Kat, thinking about her ex-boyfriend.

"I thought after finally talking to him and telling him I was going on a date, there wouldn't ... I don't know-- finally be some closure for us...? But it's just been weird ever since."

Dahlia's smile faded as she looked down and her chin began to tremble before she bit her lip.

"I guess I just never thought it'd actually be over."

"Maybe it's not, Lia."

"Not, Kat, trust me, okay? It is. It's over. Jordan's over it and I'm over it."

Kat leaned in and hugged Dahlia, gently rubbing her shoulders, knowing if she prodded any more, Dahlia would clam up and shut everyone out

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Kat leaned in and hugged Dahlia, gently rubbing her shoulders, knowing if she prodded any more, Dahlia would clam up and shut everyone out. So, instead of asking any more about Jordan or Connor, she just decided to help Dahlia get ready.

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