66: giveaway

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During an early September game-day, Dahlia and Kat decided to tailgate with Joey. After parking her Jeep, Dahlia unlocked her trunk and the girls began getting their area set up.

Kat had just pulled out their mini cooler and had it opened as Dahlia reached in to grab a soda.

Kat looked at her and her eyes bulged in surprise, noticing what she was holding in her other hand.

"Dude, you were gone for like... five minutes. I thought you said you just had to pee."

Dahlia shrugged as she took another bite of the hot dog she picked up on her way back to the car.

"Some of the Sigma's are grilling in the next row over."

She picked up a heavenly scent and mindlessly followed it around to the other side of her car, where Joey was talking to an older couple.

"All of our significant others play together on the team, so we thought, 'Why not?' I mean, I'm usually the one who needs to get dragged out of bed in the morning, but for some reason, I was ready at like-- ahh! Lia, Kit-Kat, come here!"

Joey's bubbly spirit caused Kat to look back at Dahlia, who shrugged cautiously as they approached Joey and the older couple, the Krafts.

After being introduced to the couple, who have been season ticket-holders since they were students at the university, the girls were offered some homemade mozzarella sticks, and Dahlia couldn't refuse.

The group talked for a while until Joey got a text from her cousin Leo, who had arrived a while ago with his boyfriend, Jonathan.

After meeting up with the boys, Dahlia found herself eating once again. This time, she was trying Leo's famous hot wings. As she sat in the front seat of Leo's car, munching on the wings, Joey finally took notice of the frantic way her friend was eating.

"Damn, Lia!"

Dahlia looked over at Joey with confusion in her eyes and a mouth full of chicken.


"With the way you've been scarfing down everything this morning, I wouldn be surprised if Jordan hasn't put a little Prescott in you."

Dahlia's eyes darted away from Joey in an instant, Kat's eyes bounced between the two in shock, and Joey's eye's slanted in disbelief

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Dahlia's eyes darted away from Joey in an instant, Kat's eyes bounced between the two in shock, and Joey's eye's slanted in disbelief.

After a moment or two, a giddy smile made its way onto Dahlia's face as she rubbed her belly.

"We were gonna wait a few weeks to tell everybody-- once everyone got settled this semester, but, I mean-- ooh, cupcakes!"

Dahlia's attention was instantly pulled away as Kat pulled out a sheet of cupcakes that she had made the night before.

As Dahlia picked up a red one and a yellow one, Joey smirked, watching her pile more food onto her already overloaded plate.

After a dominating game, resulting in a team win of 38-3, Jordan and Dahlia were relaxing back at home. Instead of going out with the team to celebrate, Jordan told them the only thing he wanted was his bed and his Doll.

"You were amazing today, Jordy."

Jordan smiled and snuggled into Dahlia a bit more, tucking his arms around her waist as he gently rested his head on her belly

"It was a team effort, Doll."

"Team effort, my ass! You threw four touchdowns and you ran one in. Why didn't you wanna go celebrate with the guys?"

He looked up at her, before leaning in and kissing her neck.

"Because nothing beats just laying here and cuddling with the two of you."

Jordan lifted Dahlia's shirt and smiled, noticing how her belly was beginning to harden. He traced his finger down the dark line going down her belly before she looked back up at her, suddenly nervous.

"Speaking of the two of us"

Dahlia scooted back a bit, propping herself up on her elbows as Jordan looked at her cautiously.


"I kinda spilled today... Joey and Leo and them-- they know."

"About the baby?"

Dahlia nodded nervously, as she bit her lip for just a moment, waiting for Jordan's reaction.

"I guess I gave it away when I was tailgating with everybody later. I mean-- I know we said we were gonna wait. I'm sorry, Jordy! I didn't mean--"

"Doll, Doll, baby-- it's okay."

Jordan sat back on his knees and gently tugged on Dahlia's hands, pulling her to fully sit up on the bed.

"Baby, I'm not mad. It's okay."

Dahlia looked up at Jordan, eyes filled with worry as she tilted her head.


Jordan nodded as he began nervously scratching the back of his head.

"Really. I-- I might've said something to the guys after the game."

Dahlia's hand instantly reached out to lightly slap Jordan's arm, as a relieved smile formed on her face.


"I couldn't help it, Doll. It slipped."

He leaned up and left a lingering kiss on her lips before pulling back with a smirk on his face.

"Now that everybody who needs to know knows, I guess we don't have to do one of those big pregnancy announcement things, huh?"


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