87: a new role

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"It's a small part in a sitcom, but it'll be good exposure for you."

"Wow, really?"

Jordan cocked his head back in surprise as he spoke with Davis, his agent, on the phone.

He had just re-entered the living room, and as he set the bowl of popcorn on the table, he noticed the confused look in his wife's eyes. Turing the phone on speaker, they both listened as Davis continued.

"Yeah, they'll need you in New York for about a week, but they're gonna set everything up for you."

Dahlia could see the light in Jordan's eyes dim when Davis said 'New York' and she raised an eyebrow suspiciously as Jordan made his response.

"Can I think about it? Ya know, talk to the wife first?"

Dahlia cocked her head to the side, as her eyebrows knit together in confusion.

"No problem, kid. Give me a call tomorrow, okay? They need an answer by Friday."

"I'll let you know. Thanks again, Davis."

Jordan hung up and grabbed the remote, resuming the tv show they were binge-watching. His eyes wouldn't meet Dahlia's, knowing she was still going to say something.

"Jordy, baby?"

Jordan sighed before pausing the show once again, finally looking over at Dahlia.

"Yeah, Doll?"

"Why aren't you automatically taking this role? I mean-- what do you need to talk to me about? Babe-- go for it. This is big!"

"I know, Doll. I know. I just-- I don't wanna leave you guys alone for a week. And she's too little, I don't want her to travel yet."

Dahlia smiled and stood from the couch, immediately feeling Jordan's hands on her hips.

"Stitches, Mama."

Dahlia smiled and squeezed Jordan's hand and they made their way to Sunny's room.

The three-week-old was sleeping peacefully on her back, and as the two crept back out of the room, Dahlia turned to her husband.

"See? She's fine. We're gonna be okay, Jordy. Honestly, she's like-- the best baby ever. I didn't think she was gonna be this chill."

Dahlia pointed back at the yellow glittery 'S' on the door and huffed, knowing their daughter was as low maintenance as Dahlia said.

"But New York's--."

"Nope. Babe, do you remember when you decided you weren't going back to school...? Remember-- you said you were gonna take care of us."

Jordan nodded.

"And if-- and that's a big if-- if something happens, the godparents are ten minutes away. And it's not like Mom is going anywhere anytime soon."

"You've got that right, honey."

Dahlia and Jordan both jumped a bit, both in shock, as neither expected Charlotte to be around the corner.

"Jesus, Mom! Don't scare us like that. And... when are you going home? Not that I didn't love you-- I do-- I'm just-- what does Dad think about all of this?"

"Well, I told your father I'd be here about a month, which is fine since someone's going to New York."

Jordan went to say something to his mother but was stopped when Dahlia grabbed his hands, squeezed them, and gave him a look full of warning.

"Yup... he's going to New York."


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