07: a promise made

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Those next 98 days seemed to drag on at a rate slower than sluggish snails for both Dahlia and Jordan, who were impatiently counting down each second.

"You sure you have everything? Sunblock? Contact solution? Your passport? A p-"

"Dad, relax. I've got everything packed, okay? I promise I'll be fine."

Dahlia's worrisome father had just helped her unload her luggage at the airport and as she took a step onto the curb, he sighed deeply.

"I know, Kiddo... you're just growing up way too quick for me."

The nostalgic frown on his face was shifted to an uplifting smile as he handed her her backpack.

"Alright, now, make sure to call me when you land and to thank the Prescott's again."

"I will, Dad."

Dahlia gave her father a hug and received a kiss on her forehead before she headed for the airport entrance. Her father's voice calling her name caused her to stop and turn back around.

"Doll! Have fun, Kiddo."

As the plane slowly rolled in after landing in Los Angeles, Dahlia unbuckled her seatbelt and stretched, giddy because, in just a few minutes, she'd finally be seeing Jordan.

The flight he and his family took out of Colorado had landed about an hour ago, and once Dahlia arrived, they'd take their connecting flight out to Cabo San Lucas.

She had just sent a text to Jordan when a bell dinged, letting the passengers know it was time to get off the plane.

Jordan had been sitting in a seat in front of the gate Dahlia's plane would be coming in from since the moment he and his family landed in Los Angeles.

He noticed when the attendant next to the door got up and punched in a code and by the time he'd opened the door, Jordan was on his feet, ready to see the only person he felt like he would die without.

As people began to come off of the plane, Jordan's eyes scanned the crowd, waiting to set his eyes on Dahlia and after what felt like an eternity, that's exactly what he did.


Dahlia's heart thumped even harder after hearing him call her name. The second her eyes locked on Jordan's they were both grinning from ear to ear.

She ran over to him and it was like everything else disappeared.

The rest of the world faded away as Jordan held his world in his arms.

"I missed you like fucking crazy. Mmm, come here, baby."

In an instant, Dahlia's legs were wrapped around Jordan as he held her in place. Jordan leaned in and brushed his lips across Dahlia's, who moaned as she deepened the kiss.

After what felt like just a second, Jordan set Dahlia back on her feet and the two walked hand-in-hand over to their departing gate, where his family was waiting.

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