❥Little Snake

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Words: 990

It was early morning when Remus was awoken by someone tugging at his shirt. As he opened his eyes, he could only make out the figure of the person in front of him. He shuffled up and leaned against the pillow, reaching over to turn on his bedside lamp.

"Jan?" He blinked and looked over at Janus who was now kneeling on the bed, visibly shaking. "Hey, hey, what's wrong, Jay?" Remus held out his arms, offering the trembling side a hug which was immediately accepted.

Both sides stayed quiet for a while, the only sound floating around the room being soft sniffles coming from the snake-like side. Once he has calmed down, Remus pressed a soft kiss to his forehead and looked into his eyes. "Nightmare?" Janus nodded, his face nuzzled comfortably in Remus' shirt, whimpering quietly.

Janus took a breath before speaking. It seemed like he didn't really want to, but he also didn't want Remus to worry. "I'm sowwy, I-I was ssscared n chu are the onwy person who knows about dis..." As soon as he finished speaking, he hid himself back in Remus' shirt.

"Awh, baby, it's okay. Like I've said before, I'll always be here for ya, it doesn't matter if you're big or little at the time, I'm here." Remus ran his fingers through Janus' hair, smiling as Jan relaxed in his arms.

"Thank chu, wemus.." Janus mumbled, his face still hidden. Remus smiled at how adorable Janus was being, he knew that Jay was insecure about being a little, but Remus didn't mind one bit.

"No problem, baby snake." He looked over at the time and sighed quietly. 4:36am. "Are you hungry, DeeDee?"

Janus lifted his head up slightly and nodded, giggling softly. "Mhm! But it's eawly in da morning." Now it was Janus' turn to look over at the time, squinting as his eyes focused on the numbers.

"I know! That's why I was wondering if you'd wanna go on a lil adventure?" Remus smirked playfully, sitting up more. Janus looked at him curiously but nodded none the less, rolling off of him and back onto his own side of the bed.

Remus smiled and kissed his hair, snapping them both into day clothes. Janus giggled again and grabbed onto his llama plushie, hugging it tightly to his chest. "I wan bwing herrr!"

Remus ruffled Janus' hair and nodded, snapping his fingers so Janus was now wearing one of Remus' hoodies. "Alrighty, Maki can come!" He picked Janus up, making sure that the snakes arms were safely wrapped around his neck so he didn't fall, oh and so he didn't strangle Remus or anything.

He sunk out and held Janus close as they rose up in town. They were still in the imagination so there was no one around who could possibly hurt Janus. That was always one of Remus' main concerns. Janus' safety. "Ooo! Look at all da pwetty wights!!" Janus wriggled around in Remus' arms, looking excitedly over at the shining signs that shone in the still gloomy sky.

"I know! They're beautiful, aren't they?" Remus smiled as he carried Janus through the streets, heading towards a diner which he knew Dee loves. They entered the diner and Remus carefully sat Janus in a chair, the lying trait hugging his llama close to his chest. Remus smiled and nodded towards the cashier who he knew before turning his attention back to Janus. "What would you like, JayJay?"

Janus hummed and bit at the llama's ear, thinking. "I no know, chu can decide!" He'd always hated making decisions. "Okay, sweetie, I'll be right back. Maki will keep you company." Remus kissed Janus' hair and walked over to the counter, ordering a chocolate chip muffin for Janus and a cookie for himself, along with two strawberry milkshakes.

A few minutes later, Remus walked back over to the table with the food and drinks. "I missed chu." Janus pouted, doing grabby hands at Remus who happily pulled him onto his lap. "Aww, you're so sweet, Jay." They both ate their food and drank their drinks, Janus once in a while glancing over at his llama that he'd sat in the chair next to them.

🌸time skip!🌸

As they walked back to the dark side of the mindspace, Janus was once again held in Remus' arms. Remus looked down at the deceptive trait and smiled softly, noticing that Jay was beginning to slip out of little space. He stopped walking and sat down on the grass, Jan sitting in his lap with his face buried in Remus' neck. A few moments later, Janus shook his head and whined, looking up at Remus. "Hey, 'Mus.. why're we in a field?" Janus rubbed his head, taking in his surroundings, not remembering much. Remus gently ran his fingers through Janus' hair to calm his nerves.

"Hiya, JayJay. You woke up from a nightmare earlier and you were little so I took you to that diner you like." He explained, scratching the back of Janus' head. "Oh, okay. Thank you, Rem. I'm sssorry about that." Janus felt his cheeks warm up, embarrassed.

Remus tilted his head and sighed. "Jan, honey, what've I said about apologising for this?" Janus pouted and leaned to Remus' touch as he petted the scales on his cheek. "...not to..." The taller side nodded and rubbed his thumb across a patch of Janus' scales. "I'll care for you no matter what, sweetheart. Now let's get you home before you get too cold." Janus hummed in agreement, the cold starting to get to him despite being wrapped up in Remus' hoodie.

Despite being cold, Janus knew how lucky he was to have Remus in his life.

i hope you all enjoyed this cute lil chapter i wrote months ago and rewrote just now 😌💛

aaannndd stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haaannnddsss!!

I love you all. 💕

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