🖤12~Hats and Hair🧡

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Tw: implied smut (not much details- it's mostly all fluff!)
Au: X
Words: 724

October 12th 2020
19 days until Halloween 🎃

"C'mon Jay, pleaseeee?" Remus walked closer to Janus who held his hat firmly on his head. "Why won't you let me?" He pouted, reaching for Janus' hat just to have his hand gently slapped away.

Janus huffed and accidentally backed himself into a corner. "Because I don't like having my hat off, 'Mus. You know that." He looked up and blushed lightly as Remus stood in front him, preventing the snake-like side from escaping. Janus shivered, feeling Remus place a hand on Jan's hip, resting the other on his scaled cheek.

Remus smirked deviously, watching Janus lean to his touch, purring quietly as Remus ran his thumb across Janus' scales. "You know I'll never judge you, right, sweetheart?" The intrusive side pressed a soft kiss to Janus' lips before pulling away and continuing to pet his scales.

A smile appeared on Janus' lips and he nodded, thinking. He'd taken his hat off in front of Remus before, of course he had. But, being the master of deception meant that Dee could hide things very easily. Janus was only hesitant this time because he didn't want to hide anymore. "I know you won't." Janus fiddled nervously with Remus' sleeve before reaching up and taking his hat off. "There."

Remus gasped softly and tilted his head, staring at the two adorable lil horns on Janus' head. They were mostly hidden by his hair but Remus could see them. "Awwee!" He squealed excitedly, very carefully kissing one of the horns, causing Janus to bite his lip and shiver. "They're adorable! I'm guessing they're sensitive like your scales?"

Janus nodded and buried his face in Remus' shirt, purring louder, signalling that he wants something. Remus chuckled and scratched the back of Janus' head, smiling at how adorable he's being.

"Yes, Jay Jay?" He picked Janus up bridal style and carried him upstairs, sitting with him on their bed.

Janus shook his head to make his hair fall in front of his eyes growling lowly. Remus tilted his head and pulled Jay onto his lap, noticing how the growling immediately stopped. He giggled and moved the hair out of Janus' face, kissing his nose.

"Ohh, you want me to play with your hair!" This earned Remus a nod as Janus nuzzled his face in Rem's neck. Remus smiled fondly and ran his fingers through Janus' hair, gently scratching at the spots he knows Jan likes. Janus felt himself blush deeply as his purrs got louder.

"Horns... please?" Janus mumbled into Remus' neck, too embarrassed to say it any louder. However, Remus understood. He began gently trailing his fingers across Janus' horns, pressing soft kisses up his neck to his jawline. Janus let a satisfied hiss slip, his breath hitching each time Remus touched his horns. He wanted more.

As the sun began to set, Remus snapped quietly so that the beside lamp was on. He looked into Janus' eyes, noticing how red his boyfriend's face actually was. "Awe, you're blushing so much!" Janus hissed and attempted to hide his face again, only to be stopped by Remus holding his chin firmly between two fingers. "No hiding this time, honey.~"

The snek felt his eyes widen at Remus' tone, moaning very softly under his breath. He gasped and purred loudly as Remus petted his horns slightly rougher than before. Remus knew what he was doing, pulling Janus closer so Remus could easily run his tongue across the scales on Jan's cheek, causing Janus to bite his lip and shiver.

Remus smirked, getting an idea. He lightly tugged at Janus' hair and moaned directly into his ear. Janus shivered and froze, feeling himself blush somehow deeper. Janus then pushed Remus gently yet forcefully onto the bed, the taller male squeaking and looking up at the side above him.

Within seconds, Janus had pinned Remus against the bed, kissing him roughly. Remus kissed back and wrapped his legs around Janus' waist, tilting his head slightly to deepen the kiss.

As they pulled away, Remus smirked and leaned up to whisper in Janus' ear:

"Someone's horny~"

good job their walls are sound proof innit 😳
or are they-


anyways, stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haaannddsss!!

I love you all! 💕

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