🖤17~Chilly weather-Bloody sweater🧡

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Tw: mentions of blood [real this time- ik shocker], murder, swearing, homophobia and past abuse (please tell me if I missed anything)
Au: human
Words: 1429

October 17th 2020
14 days until Halloween 🎃

Remus had been walking for hours. His legs ached and his mouth was uncomfortably dry. But, it would be worth it. He had to get away from the body. As he walked across the bridge, suspended over the murky water, he recognised the sound of whimpering ahead of him.

As he got closer to the noise, he caught sight of a small figure curled up in a ball on the ground. Remus stood a few feet away from them and kneeled down, getting a closer look at them. The stranger lifted up their head slightly, shaking violently due to the bitterly cold weather.

"Are you okay?" Remus had sat down by now, tilting his head as he spoke. He made sure to hide his blood stained hands the best he could, luckily it was dark.

The man nodded and tried to stop his teeth from chattering. "Y-Yeah, just c-cold as f-fuck..." He held his bag close to his chest and looked into Remus' eyes, deciding he might as well introduce himself. "My n-names Janus, w-who are you?"

"Names Remus, I was just uh, going on a walk." Remus watched guiltily as Janus shivered and after a small argument with himself, he removed his sweater. It had small blood stains on it but it was comfy and warm. Hopefully Janus wouldn't mind. Remus had tried not to get too messy during his outing but sometimes it just couldn't be helped.

Janus raised an eyebrow and studied the sweater the best he could in the dusk, spotting the blood stains. "In a-any other circumstance, I would b-be terrified. But right now, I'll t-take it." He took the sweater that Remus was offering him and slipped it on, relaxing at how surprisingly cozy it was. "Thank you, now would you mind explaining.. y'know." He motioned towards the stains.

Remus nodded and leaned up against the walls of the bridge, watching as Janus cautiously did the same. "Um, I went to the store and got some fake blood, spilled it by accident-" He glanced down at the rushing river below them, trying to hide that he was lying. I mean, he couldn't exactly tell the truth.

"You're a shit liar, Remus." Janus chuckled and shuffled away from him very slightly, still wary of the strange man. "If you killed someone you killed someone, doesn't really matter now. They're dead anyway." He played with the handle of his bag, the only thing he had left after being kicked out.

Remus froze and looked over at Janus, his eyes widening slightly. "Wh-What? I didn't kill anyone." He knew he was done for. What if Janus called the police? Then Remus would be in jail for the rest of his life. Shit.

Janus smirked and slowly rested a hand on Remus' shoulder, feeling the taller male tense up at his touch. "Calm down, damn. I'm not gonna rat you out." Jan ran his fingers through his own hair and sighed, fiddling with the sweater sleeves. "Just- don't kill me, please, I gotta live. Even if it's just for a little longer, just to prove them wrong." The wind blew gently, shifting Janus' hair out of his eyes, revealing his scarred face. "I can't let them win again."

Slowly, Remus shuffled closer to Janus to get a better look at his face, frowning, concerned. "Who's they?" He asked but immediately felt guilty, hastily adding to his question. "If you don't mind me asking, that is."

Janus smiled and rested his head on the wall, closing his eyes. "My parents. They beat me up and kicked me out for being gay, well, they abused me long before that anyway." He opened his eyes slightly and stared at the night sky, the stars shimmering and illuminating the darkness. "They gave me these scars and now I'm nothing to them."

It took a few minutes for Remus to process this but he listened to every word. "Fuckin' hell... I'm so sorry that happened to you. Homophobes suck dick, is there anythin' I can do to help?" He reached over and rested his hand on Janus' smiling.

Janus smiled back genuinely and held Remus' hand, thankful to have someone who actually listened to him. "I mean..." He shook his head and stopped himself. He couldn't ask someone he just met that, it was too much hassle for Remus.

"Please tell me, Janus." Remus spoke softly, noticing Janus' worried expression, squeezing his hand gently.

After a short pause, Janus continued, looking away from Remus. "Can I stay with you? Maybe just for tonight, I don't wanna be a nuisance." He stammered, instantly regretting even asking in the first place.

Remus however, just smiled and circled his thumb on Janus' hand, hoping to calm him. "Hey, of course you can." He stood up, still holding onto Janus' hand before pulling him up as well. "Come on, I'll get you some clean warm clothes." Janus giggled softly and blushed, noticing how Remus never dropped his hand.

Once they arrived at Remus' house, he sat Janus on the couch and passed him a fluffy green hoodie. "Thank you so much, Rem." Janus took off the bloody sweater, revealing a bit of skin as he did so. Remus looked away quickly as a deep blush spread across his cheeks. He couldn't tell what made him blush more, seeing that or the nickname.

As he was lost in thought, Remus didn't notice Janus staring at him, obviously having pieced together why he was blushing. "You good there, tomato?" Janus chuckled and pulled the hood over his head, scrunching up his nose randomly. This sent Remus into a complete ~gay panic™️~ how the hell could a person be so adorable?

"Wh-Who, me? Yeah! I'm g-great!" He picked up a pillow and head butted it, hiding his face in the fabric. "Ignore me, I am now dead. Bleh." He knew there was no hiding now but he might as well try.

"Nooo, you're too hot to die!" Janus smirked, pulling Remus from where he was sat on the arm of the chair, into his lap. Remus lifted his head up at the sudden movement and blushed even deeper if possible. Did... did Janus just call him hot?

Remus gave up on trying to hide and threw the pillow onto the floor, resting his hands on Janus' shoulders. "And you're too gorgeous to go for someone like me. I'm dangerous, Jan." He tilted Janus' chin up with his index finger, staring into his eyes. There were so many better people that Janus would end up with, he didn't need to deal with a psychotic murderer.

"Bullshit. I trust you."

"Jan, you've known me for like an hour. I don't want to accidentally hurt you."

Janus cupped Remus' cheeks gently in his hands, Remus leaning to the touch. "You won't hurt me, even if you tried, I won't let you."

A sigh left Remus' lips as he thought all of this through, his mind cloudy. He remained silent but nodded slowly, tensing up as Janus pressed a soft kiss to his cheek.

Janus noticed how Remus tensed up and ran his thumb across his cheek before pulling his hands away. He didn't want to make him uncomfortable. "Sorry, 'Mus."

Remus blinked and shook himself out of his thoughts, tilting his head like a confused puppy which Janus found adorable. "Huh? No, it's okay, you didn't do anything wrong. I guess i'm just not used to affection." He leaned forward and kissed Janus' nose, their faces now very close. Janus scrunched up his nose again and blushed, staring at Remus' lips.

As their eyes traveled down to each other's lips, in the heat of the moment, they both surged forward. The kiss was gentle and short but both males enjoyed it. As they separated, Janus kissed his forehead, giggling at Remus' shocked and flustered expression. "So, do I have a chance?" Janus rested his hands on Remus' waist.

Remus rested his head on Janus' shoulder and kissed his neck shyly. "Of course."

hi!! i'm sorry that this came out a bit later than usual. i hope you're all still enjoying the chapters, please let me know if you are :))

my pot noodle is getting cold 😦

anyways, stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haaannddsss!!

I love you all. 💕

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