❥Snake in a skirt!!

956 50 47

Tw: swearing (please tell me if i missed anything!)
Au: X
Words: 969 ;)

Janus smoothed down his skirt in the mirror as he prepared for the photo shoot, tugging nervously at his gloves. He loved the design of the skirt, the details of his shoes, the beautifully made gloves that went past his elbows. The hat that had been picked out was much more showy than his normal one, but he didn't mind that. He thought it looked quite fashionable.

He tried his best to push his self consciousness down which was extremely difficult, especially because Remus wasn't there to help him. He ran a gloved hand through Remus' hair as The Duke slept, Janus didn't have the heart to wake him up, even if it was the afternoon. He deserved rest.

A quiet buzz came from Janus' phone, a text from Thomas.

shit decision maker :'): are you ready? we've got everything prepared for you!

me: yes, i'm on my way.

shit decision maker :'): okay! :D

Janus leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to Remus' forehead. He decided to send him a text, just in case he woke up whilst Janus was gone. He didn't want Remus to panic thinking Janus had abandoned him.

my darling duke <3:

me: incase you wake up whilst i'm gone, i'm at the photoshoot Thomas and I were talking about. i'll be back soon. i love you. 💛

With that, Janus sank out, rising up at the location of the shoot. He looked around, admiring the dark, old fashioned and intricately designed details of the location. Thomas lightly tapped Janus on the shoulder, causing the snake-like side to blink and shake his head. "Hey, Janus! We hope you like the location we chose, we thought it'd match your aesthetic, y'know!" Thomas explained excitedly, obviously thrilled to do this shoot. Janus nodded distractedly and smiled slightly. "It's perfect. Thank you, Thomas." Janus replied, his voice soft to ensure Thomas could tell he was being truthful.

After a few photos had been taken, Janus' confidence began to return. Maybe it was the fact he'd began to feel more comfortable in the skirt, or maybe the fact that Thomas was smiling and cheering with each picture. Overall, it was an enjoyable experience that Janus would definitely be happy to do again.

Once the shoot was over, Janus twirled around in his skirt, admiring the way the fabric flowed as he spun. A few moments later, his phone buzzed from the table. Janus removed his hat, finding it to be a bit of an obstruction. He pulled out his phone and smiled, seeing two texts from Remus.

my darling duke <3: oh okay :) i love you tooooo!! when are you gonna be back? i miss you already :(

my darling duke <3: i wanna see your outfit!!! lemme seeee i bet you look hot as fuckkk 😩🥰🥵

Janus chuckled as he read Remus' messages, he couldn't help the light blush that spread across his cheeks. God, Remus managed to fluster him very easily.

me: we've finished the shoot so i'll be back soon, my love. i miss you too. heh, thank you- you'll see it very soon. 😌

💛time skip!!!💚

As soon as Janus rose up in the couples shared bedroom, he heard Remus squeal, his eyes fixed on Janus' outfit. Janus' blush deepened as Remus checked him out, biting his lip embarrassedly. "You look fucking stunning- oh my fucking god, step on me-" Remus mumbled, resting his hands on Janus' waist, leaning their foreheads together. He noticed Janus' blush and smirked, pressing a kiss to the Snek's nose. Janus blepped as his nose was kissed, blinking. He'd become even more flustered at Remus' words.

"Thank you- I'm glad you think I look okay." Janus mumbled shyly, his hands resting on Remus' shoulders. Remus raised an eyebrow and gasped in fake offence, looking into Janus' eyes. "'Okay'? Janus, honey, you look absolutely gorgeous, your makeup is beautiful and makes your scales look so fucking pretty. I could go on forever with the compliments, you know that." Remus smirked, moving some of Janus' hair so he could admire him better.

Janus hummed and looked back at him, pressing their foreheads together. "Thank you, my darling. You're such a sweetheart." He chuckled as Remus pulled him into a loving kiss. Remus cupped his cheeks in his hands and pulled Janus closer, his thumbs drawing gentle circles across Janus' cheeks. Their lips moved in perfect formation, Janus squeaking into the kiss as Remus deepened it slightly.

"You should wear skirts more often," Remus mumbled against Janus' lips, pulling away slightly for air and to admire him once again. Janus panted softly as they pulled away, his face cherry red. "Mn. I will, just for you." He replied quietly, wrapping his arms around Remus' neck.

Janus couldn't wait to show Remus the pictures, he'd never felt more confident in his life and he knew Remus would absolutely love them.


so- did everyone love Janus' skirt look as much as I did? I literally screamed, I was on call with my girlfriend and we were both freaking out and simping over him-

so- did everyone love Janus' skirt look as much as I did? I literally screamed, I was on call with my girlfriend and we were both freaking out and simping over him-

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he's so pretty- 🥺😩🙌

anyways- i hope you liked this chapter!! i've seen people on Twitter use it as a rp prompt (i did myself-) so i thought it'd be fun to write about!!

this took me a few days to write as my motivation kept going, but still- i'm glad i got it out! :D

also also- i'm experimenting with he/him pronouns as well as she/they- so if you all could maybe refer to me as 'he' in a few comments, just so i can see how i feel about it, that would he great!! thank you 🥺

anywayssss, stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haaannndsssss!!!

i love you all!! 💓

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