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Tw: shedding (obviously-), slight swearing, very suggestive near the end (its Remus- what do ya expect)
Au: X
Words: 1141

It was around 10pm when the itching started, originating from the small patch of scales on his hand, before travelling to the scales on his face. Janus whimpered into his knees, forcing himself to sit on his hands so he wouldn't scratch. This happened around once a month and Janus dreaded it each time. Shedding.

Merely moments later, his scales started to burn, the tingling sensation travelling throughout the left side of his body. It was unbearable. 'I have to.. I have to scratch.. I can't- not..' Janus' mind was racing and he whimpered again, louder than intended. Just as he was about to reach up and scratch his cheek, there was a gentle knock on his door. Janus jumped at the sudden noise and sat back on his hands, recognising the knocking pattern. "Come i-in, Remus.." He mumbled into his knees, loud enough for the Trash Man to hear from the other side of the door.

Remus pushed open the door and looked over at Janus, his eyes softening- he understood what was going on right away. "Why didn't you tell me, JayJay? I could've helped sooner." Remus closed the door behind him and locked it, knowing Janus wouldn't want any of the other Sides to see him like this. Janus felt a part of him relax at Remus' soft tone, but he kept his face hidden in his knees and shrugged, too embarrassed to admit that he needs help.

Remus tilted his head slightly and gently cupped Janus' human cheek in his hand, running his weirdly comforting, rough fingers across Janus' soft skin. Janus caved and leaned to the touch, his stubborn and sophisticated shield falling. "I didn't want to bother you, love.." Janus muttered, tensing up when Remus moved his hand to his scaled cheek. He lifted his head and stared into Remus' eyes hopefully, leaning to the touch.

"You could never bother me- and I'm not gonna scratch for you, honey. I'm here to help you, not make things worse. For once." Remus whispered the last part and softly trailed a finger across some loose shed, helping it fall a bit easier. Janus pouted but leaned to the touch, playing with Remus' sash in an attempt to distract himself. "I wanna ssscratch ssso badly.." He sniffled, tears of frustration appearing in his eyes. It just itched so much...

Remus caught another piece of shed that fell and looked at him sympathetically, summoning some of the lotion Janus used for when he's shedding. Well, he's supposed to- but the coldness of it always puts him off. Remus of course, knew this, so he wasn't surprised when Janus' eyes widened, a small defensive hiss escaping his lips. "C'mon, Jan, it'll help." Remus pressed a kiss to Janus' hair and nose, smiling as he blepped.

Janus considered this and huffed, going back into sulky snake mode. Gently, Remus pushed him down onto the bed so he was laying on his back and smirked teasingly as Janus' face turned red. Janus squeaked as he was pushed down, glaring at Remus when he smirked. "You little sh-" He was interrupted by Remus kissing him unusually softly, allowing himself to melt into the kiss. The Duke took this as a chance to carefully apply the lotion to Janus' scales, starting with his cheek, moving onto his neck and hand.

The snake-like side squeaked into the kiss but didn't pull away, instead he leaned to the touch, deepening the kiss as he did so. Remus smiled into the kiss and held his hand gently, his fingers slowly sliding up Jan's shirt. "I need to do your chest and thighs, beautiful." He mumbled against his lips, feeling Janus' face heat up even more. They reluctantly broke the kiss and Remus helped Janus remove his shirt and trousers, his eyes travelling across his body.

"You're n-not very sssubtle." Janus looked up at his boyfriend, feeling Remus' eyes on him. He didn't know why he felt so vulnerable like this. It's not like he was fully naked- "You b-better give me cuddles after this or you're dead to me.." He added, his eyes following Remus' every move as he picked up the lotion once again. "I wasn't trying to be- and of course I will, I'm not gonna let you freeze now, am I?" Remus rolled his eyes playfully and gently applied the lotion to the scales on his chest, watching Janus involuntary lean to the touch.

His fingers traveled down to his thigh, outlining the scales as he did so, noticing that Janus was biting his lip, a small noise slipping out. "You're doing so well, sweetheart. How about I give you a reward after, hm~?" Remus glanced at him as he finished applying the lotion, a smirk forming on his lips. Janus blushed at the praise and nodded weakly, annoyed at himself for getting flustered so easily. "Heh, sssure, y-yeah- p-please-" Remus chuckled at his reaction and kissed him quickly before starting on removing the shed.

The shed came off much easier now and Remus took every chance he could to tease Janus, annoying the shit out of the snek. Wether it be sliding his hands between his thighs as he slowly peeled off the shed, or 'accidentally' breathing against his skin, causing Janus to shiver. Despite the constant teasing, Janus was grateful that Remus was helping him. Shedding had always been a stressful time for him- and Remus just made it better in so many ways.

Around half an hour later, Janus' scales were smooth and shiny, the last of the shed having fallen into Remus' hand as Jan shuffled around. "I'm so proud of you, JayJay. You did it!" Remus smiled and pressed a kiss to Janus' chest. "Th-Thank you, love." Janus smiled back, lifting his chest up slightly to lean into the kiss.

"Ssso.. you mentioned a reward?~" Janus looked at the Side above him, a smirk spreading across his lips. Remus blushed and trailed his fingers across Janus' thigh, noting in his mind that they're even more sensitive after he sheds. "Of course, baby snake~"

Yeah, shedding sucks, but holy shit was it worth it. ;)

i am so sorry for the lack of updates- i lost a lot of motivation and as soon as I planned to write again, my school set exams. i had them last week and I have them again starting tomorrow. heh- thank you for being so patient with me!

i know this isn't my best chapter and i'm sorry about that- I'll most improve again soon- hopefully-

anyways- i hope you enjoyed this chapter! And remember—

stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haaannnddssss!!!!

I love you all! 💞

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