☕︎︎Shy Snek pt2

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Tw: Ssssmut? 😏
Au: X
Requested by: @pixydimand
Words: 681

Remus looked up at Deceit who had pinned him down on the bed. He knew Dee could be dominant but he wasn't going to let him win that easily. Dee smirked and began kissing and nibbling at Remus' neck enjoying the way his breath hitched trying to hide his moans. "Look at you trying to be stubborn~" Deceit cooed caressing Remus' cheek as he looked away, trying to hide the fact that he knew Dee had already won.

He kissed up Remus' jawline and swiftly pulled him into a kiss, Remus of course kissed back, wrapping his legs around Dee's waist as he couldn't move his hands. Deceit soon released his hands and ran his own through Rem's hair gently tugging at it as he ran his forked tongue across Remus' bottom lip. The taller male of course obliged, parting his lips allowing Dee to slip in his tongue. Both sides moaned softly into the kiss only pulling away for air before pulling each other back into the kiss.

As he was too caught up in all the affection, Remus didn't notice as Deceit's hand slipped down to his thighs. Dee smirked and pulled away from the kiss earning a whine from the side below him. "Aw so impatient aren't we?" Deceit looked up at Remus who's breath hitched as he looked down seeing how close Dee's hand was to his cock. "D-Dee please~" He whined, wrapping his arms around Deceit's neck, moaning loudly as he felt a hand wrap around his cock beginning to stroke him.

"F-fuck Dee I-" He was cut off by the pop of a lid, his eyes traveled over to the pot of lube Dee was holding in one hand. "You need prep, Sssweetheart?" To which Remus shook his head, moaning softly from the pleasure his boyfriends other hand was giving him. "You want one or both?~" Deceit purred into Remus' ear. "B-both~" The Duke moaned out, panting softly. Dee nodded and lubed up his cocks, lining them up and pressing soft kisses on Remus' forehead before pushing in.

He stayed still until the sub said he could move, gentle thrusts at first but they slowly increased in speed and soon Remus was moaning Deceit's name, begging for more. Remus dug his nails into Dee's back as he moaned loudly from all the pleasure. Dece pulled his boyfriend into a deep kiss, forcing his tongue into Remus' mouth as they both moaned into the kiss.

Remus tugs at Deceit's hair in an attempt to tell him that's he's close. As this was obviously not their first time, Dee understood and quickened his thrusts, making sure to jack him off at the same pace. Remus moaned loudly into the kiss, his eyes rolling back and warm tears falling down his cheeks as he came. A few thrusts later Dee released inside of him both sides moaning as their bodies shook from the pleasure.

Both males panted as they stayed in that position for a few seconds, trying to get their breath back. Dee looked down at his sub and kissed away the hot tears that were on his cheeks. "You okay baby?" He asked after slowly pulling out and wrapping Remus in a warm hug, receiving a nod from the tired side in his arms.

After a few minutes, Dee picked Remus up in his arms and carried him to the bathroom where he ran a warm bubble bath for him. Once the bath was full he lay down in it with Remus still snuggled to his chest. He pressed soft kisses on Remus' cheek and forehead whilst grabbing a flannel, soaking it in the water.

Although Dece woke him up whilst gently washing him, Remus was completely relaxed in the safety of his boyfriends arms.

i hope this was a good chapter! i'm sorry this part took so long.

thank you for all the support guys! you all are amazing people.

take care of yourselves and stay hydrated and wash your haaannnnndddssss!!!

ily all! 💕

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