✔︎another a/n (im sorry)

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hey guys.. I'm sorry about this I'll try and write another chapter soon.

TW- I don't wanna hurt anyone..

if you take the time to read this.. thank you, if not.. I understand

so basically, I had this friend and they've emotionally abused me for a while now. this included manipulation and things like that. i wasted time and tears on this person only for them to hurt me in return. this is the only place i can talk about it without them finding it. i have a Twitter and they've always talked about how they're friends with lots of people on there which makes me feel uneasy talking to anyone. it just makes me think.. 'why am I the person they treat like shit..? why me?' they're only ever nice to me when I'm sad. i've figured that out pretty easily. it's painful and even now after I've told them how I feel, blocked them on a lot of social media, I still am even now waisting tears on them. it hurts and I don't know how to stop it. this whole isolation thing isn't helping i just want a hug... i feel so weak.. and numb... i hate it.. sometimes I feel like everything would be better if I was gone.. but im too scared to do something like that.. I can't let them win... ive told them that they're manipulative and they brushed it off as a joke and laughed. i can't see the people that care about me.. i don't know why I'm letting this person hurt me so much but I can't stop. ive tried and it doesn't work.. no matter what I do they're always going to be in the back of my mind. it's my fault anyway..

i just want a god damn hug...

im sorry guys.. i guess i just need support...

im sorry if I upset anyone.. 💕

don't be like me, take care of yourselves. get some rest and have a drink of water.

ily all. 💓

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