⚠︎︎Manipulation Station

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Tw: crying, manipulation, mentions of mental abuse, out of character Logan and Virgil

Au: human

Requested by: X

Words: 1078

"You don't care about me!" Logan glared at Remus who was just trying to go over his lines with Janus. The two were backstage, alongside most of the cast, whilst the play was being rehearsed, waiting for their cue. Janus sighed and tried to pull Rem away from Logan who was sulking in the corner, waiting for Remus to break and give him attention. That's how it worked and Logan got what he wanted most of the time. "Yes I do, I'm just busy..." Remus replied, shuffling away from Lo who was doing grabby hands at him. "You're mean, I don't blame you though, I hate myself too." Remus felt tears prick his eyes and the feeling of guilt build up inside of him, he looked over at Dee apologetically before making his way over to Logan. As soon as Remus' back was turned, Logan shot Janus a dirty look and smirked.

This had been going on for ages and despite the fact that Remus was dating Virgil, Logan was all over him. This of course didn't go unnoticed by Remus' friends especially not Janus, or Deceit as bullies and Logan ended to call him. Honestly, Jan wanted nothing more than to be able to punch Logan square in the face and tell him to get the hell away. He didn't know the full story of why Logan treated Rem like this but he knows some bits. Logan used to date Virgil about a year ago, they broke up due to the fact that Logan was way too clingy and manipulative, which from what Remus had told him, seems to have rubbed off on Virgil quite a bit. Because Virgil no longer goes to the same school as the others, Logan sees this as a chance to be all over Remus whilst Virgil not being there.

"..and then he licked me and-"

"I'm ssorry, he what?!" Dee interrupted Remus who was explaining what had happened during a rehearsal that he couldn't attend due to having to speak to a teacher. His lisp decided to sneak out as it normally did when he was frustrated. They were sat on a hill near Remus' house, just trying to catch up with each other. "Rem, he licked you?" Janus asked again to which Remus nodded, wiping his face for the second time. "It's been getting worse since me and Virgil broke up, Dee, I don't know what the fuck to do anymore..." Rem buried his face into his friends shoulder letting a few tears of frustration slip out. He had broken up with Virgil around three weeks ago, for the exact same reasons Virgil had broken up with Logan. Both of them could be horribly manipulative, using phrase such as; 'You don't love me', 'I'm gonna cry if you don't stay', 'Fine, go home, I'll just cry myself to sleep because of you',' You're mean',  'You don't care about me'.

Dee knew that this was getting too much for Remus. He didn't deserve all this. "It's okay, 'Muss, I'm here..." He ran his fingers through the shaking boys hair, trying his best to comfort him. They stayed like this for a while before the sound of footsteps approached them Janus looked up to see Logan, a fake worried expression displayed on his face. "Did you upset him?" Logan asked, kneeling down in front of the two who were sat on the ground. Dee glared at Logan, feeling his blood boil, how the hell could he say that when he's the one who's been manipulating Remus for ages? Janus shook his head and tightened his grip on Remus who let outa small whimper when he heard Logan's voice. "No, I didn't upset him, now would you kindly fuck off beacusse I don't know if you've realissed, but you're the fucking problem."

Logan glared at him obviously not expecting that. "I'm not the problem! He needs to learn to be nicer to me and not act like he hates me all the time." Janus laughed bitterly and glared back at Logan. "Oh honey, he isn't acting."

"Fuck you, Deceit, you're just jealous because you know you don't have a chance with him. At least I had the balls to actually ask him out." Logan spat, referring to the time he had asked Remus out. it was before Rem and Virgil got together and he got rejected, so him brining that up didn't really help his already stupid point.

"At least he wouldn't get rejected.."

Logan and Janus looked down at Remus who had just spoken. Janus blushed deeply and blinked in disbelief at what had just been said by the boy who he'd been silently crushing on for years. Remus lifted his head up off of Dee's shoulder and glared at Logan before gently grabbing Janus' face and kissing him, giving him enough time to pull away which he of course didn't. The kiss was gentle but passionate, both boys closed their eyes whilst Remus wrapped his arms around Dece's neck as Dee's hand slipped up Remus' shirt. Remus whined into the kiss and opened his eyes slightly just in time to see Logan run away most likely to go cry in a corner. The two separated for air soo after and Remus snuggled back up in Janus'  lap, pressing soft kisses against his neck.

After sitting like that for a while Dee wanted to confirm something that had been bothering him for a while. "You love me?" It came out as barely a whisper but Remus heard it he lifted up his head and pressed a soft kiss to Janus' lips which he nervously accepted. "Of course I love you, I guess I was just manipulated out of seeing it." Dee nodded and wrapped his arms carefully around Remus' waist, holding him gently by his hips causing the taller male to blush and bury his face back into Dee's shoulder. They both let out soft giggles as they shared shy yet loving kisses just enjoying each others company and making up for the lost time.

It had been a long ride, but they had finally departed from manipulation station.

I hope this was good! Parts of it were inspired by things I've been through.. as you know heh..

Anyway, take care of yourselves, get some rest and drink some water!

Ily all! 💕

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