🖤2~ Ghost🧡

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Tw: angst, mentions of death, crying, possible eating disorder and slight swearing (please tell me if I missed anything.)
Au: ghost au
Words: 765

October 2nd 2020
29 days until halloween.

A shaky sob came from the sofa as Remus held tightly onto his husbands hoodie, his tears staining the soft fabric. His figure shook as he sobbed violently, not having anyone there to calm him down definitely didn't help.

The one person that he loved. The one person he cared for... lived for. He was gone. Remus buried his face in the hoodie, inhaling the scent that lingered on it. At least it still smelt like Janus...

Remus shivered as he remembered Janus' face that night.

The tears pricking Jan's mismatched eyes as he held a cold hand to Remus' cheek, trying his best to comfort him in his final moments. He remembers the faint "I love you, 'Mus. Please stay alive for me." as Janus' eyes slowly closed. Remus remembers shaking his husbands body, not wanting to believe that he was gone. No matter how much Remus shook him, Janus never moved again. Remus recalls holding his hand to Janus' which was still on Rem's cheek, letting his tears fall as he held his husband close.

A noise from the kitchen brought Remus back from his memories. He anxiously looked over into the dim hallway, squinting to see if anything was there. Nothing.

"W-Why did he l-leave me..?" Remus whispered to himself, letting his face fall back on the hoodie he held. "He didn't deserve to d-die... why couldn't they c-cure him..?" His nails dug into his arm. The overwhelming despair, guilt and frustration rushing over him like a raging storm.

And then, another faint noise from somewhere in the house. It was upstairs this time.

Remus jumped this time, shaking more than he was previously. "What the fuck..?" He managed to stand up after a few shaky attempts. His body aching from the lack of eating and self care he'd put himself through with all the grief.

As he turned the corner that led to their shared bedroom, he saw a dull light shining through the doorway. Remus hadn't left the light on. He was sure of that. Cautiously, he pushed the door open, wiping the tears from his eyes as he stepped inside.

As his eyes adjusted to the lights Remus looked over at the bed, gasping shakily at what he saw. The figure looked up and smiled comfortingly. A smile that Remus loved so much.

"J-Janus..?" Remus' voice was barely audible, he tilted his head slightly and studied the ghostly figure that sat before him.

Janus' ghost stood up and walked carefully over to his trembling husband, wrapping one arm around his waist as the other rested on his cheek. Thank god Remus could see ghosts. Janus was also thankful for the fact that he could touch Remus.

"Y-You're..-" Remus felt more tears fall down his cheeks, shivering as Janus kissed them away.

"Dead? Yes, but it's okay, sweetheart. I'm here." Janus smiled as Remus ran a hand across his pale skin, whimpering sadly when his hand went through Janus' shoulder. "Hey, hey, it's okay. You just have to be calm." Jay held Remus' hand in his own, watching as his husband relaxed.

Remus sighed in relief and held Janus' hand gently. He was undeniably happy that he was able to touch Janus. It had only been two weeks since Janus passed away but Remus had already become severely touch starved.

Janus looked down, noticing that Remus had become noticeably slimmer, his body shaking from the smallest of moments. Pretending as if he didn't notice, Janus looked back up at his husband and focused on keeping him as relaxed as possible. He'll talk to him about the other stuff later.

Remus ran his fingers over Janus' hand, tearing up as he nestled his head on Jay's shoulder. "Thank you for coming back to me." Remus turned his head so he was looking into Janus' eyes which despite his ghostly form, still had the same twinkle to them.

He smiled for the first time in weeks as Janus pressed a light kiss to his lips.

"Thank you for waiting."

I hope this chapter wasn't too bad- it's not my favourite and I'm sorry if it made anyone cry 🥺

I just want to say thank you to everyone who has supported me with this book so far. I love and appreciate you all so much.

Anyways, stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haaannnddss!!

Ily all! 💞

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