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Tw: crying, shouting, abandonment, mention of panic attacks (please tell me if I missed anything!)
Au: X
Requested by: X
Words: 1438

Remus walked into Janus' room- no, his old room and sat down. It'd only been a week since Dee had left to go live with the light sides but to Remus it felt like years.

He curled up on the bed and sobbed into the blankets, finally letting out the tears that he'd been holding back. He had tried to act strong, to act like Janus leaving didn't completely shatter his heart into pieces. Well, it did. It was the most painful thing for the Intrusive side to handle since Virgil had left.

Remus always thought that Janus was different. Despite him being the lying and deceptive side, he trusted him. Maybe that was a mistake...

The happiest moments of Remus' life were spent with Janus. Hours of them cuddling, watching movies, exploring the imagination together, singing, dancing and the small kisses on the cheek which to them meant nothing but friendship. Well that's what Dee must've thought anyway. To Remus all of those things led to him developing feelings for the deceptive side. Not that he ever said anything.

That was until three days before 'Putting others first' was filmed. Remus had spent hours telling himself that today was the day to confess his feelings. He had finally built up the courage to tell Janus how he felt. I mean, what could go wrong?

That was the thing. So much could go wrong and despite his confidence, the chance of loosing Janus completely because of some stupid crush, terrified Remus. However, he pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind and knocked on Dee's door, waiting patiently albeit a little nervously.

"Come in." Janus' voice came from inside the room, that alone making Remus turn a light shade of red. Gosh, he had fallen hard. He pushed the door open and watched as Dee's cold expression turned into a soft smile. "Oh, hey, Remus." He patted the spot next to him on the bed and Remus swore he saw Jan's smile widen as he sat down.

"Heya, DeeDee! I-I wanted to ask you something." Remus looked at the ground, hating the way he stuttered whilst saying that. Janus tilted his head and held Remus' chin between two fingers, forcing the now blushing side to look at him. Remus gulped as he stared into Janus' eyes, Gosh, he was beautiful. The way his scales glistened in the sunlight, his soft lips slightly parted as his eyes not so subtly glanced down at Remus' lips.

Dee smirked, noticing that Remus was too busy staring at him to carry on with what he was saying. "What did you want to ask me, hun?" He took the chance to use a pet name, why wouldn't he? Any chance he got to make Remus blush was a chance Janus was most definitely going to take.

Remus blinked and shook his head slightly, laughing nervously, his face turning completely red at the nickname. "O-oh, yeah, I-I um..." He bit his lip and looked down at his lap shyly, realising he had no idea how to phrase what he wanted to say.

Janus noticed his worried expression and looked at him concerned, pulling Remus onto his lap, holding him by his waist. "Take your time, darling."

As he was pulled onto Dee's lap, Remus gasped and rested his hands on Janus' shoulders. He looked into Jan's eyes and found himself just gay up confessing to his face, completely overwhelmed by everything. "I'm in love with you."

Janus smiled and pulled him closer by his waist, looking into his eyes. "I'm in love with you too, 'Mus." His words were firm and calming which Remus was ever so thankful for.

"Really?" Remus' voice dropped in volume as he stared at Janus in shock. He didn't know why he was so surprised I mean, they spent so much time basically flirting with each other. He gasped softly as he was pulled closer once again, only this time a pair of lips were pressed against his own. Remus of course kissed back, holding Dee's cheeks in his hands, desperately pulling him closer.

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