🖤25~A knock at the door🧡

757 39 12

Tw: ghosts, slight swearing and slight sexual innuendos
Au: human?
Words: 793

October 25th 2020
6 days until Halloween 🎃

Janus giggled softly as he was pushed down on the bed, Remus hovering above him. Jan had just gotten back from work and Remus hadn't seen him all day.

Remus leaned down and kissed Janus carefully, making sure to handle him with care as he usually did. Janus kissed back instantly and wrapped his legs around Remus' waist, pulling him closer by his shirt. A few moments later, they pulled away for air, panting softly.

"You okay, sweetheart?" Janus tilted his head and trailed his fingers across Rem's cheek, catching his attention.

Remus blinked and looked into Janus' eyes. "Huh? Yeah I'm okay, I just thought I heard something." He smiled and shuffled over slightly as Janus sat himself up. Remus noticed the worried expression on his face and pulled Jay to his chest, playing gently with his hair. "I'm sure it was nothing, JayJay." Remus spoke softly, knowing this comforted Janus a lot. He cursed to himself for saying anything and kissed all over Janus' face.

Janus smiled distractedly and looked around the room, tapping Remus thigh. Out the corner of his eye, Remus saw a shadow move hastily across the wall and disappear near the window. Janus shivered and squeaked, burying his head in Remus' shirt. He was shaking, Remus could feel it.

Footsteps echoed from downstairs and Janus' figure began to shake more, Remus' eyes darted towards the doorway. Nothing was there so he relaxed slightly and carefully moved Jan off of his lap, causing Janus to whimper in fear. "It's okay, baby, I'm just gonna go downstairs and look around, I'm sure it's nothing." Remus kissed Janus' forehead and attempted to walk away from the bed, only to be stopped by Janus grabbing onto his shirt.

"Wait f-for me." He stood up despite Remus' protest and the couple silently made their way towards the stairs. Remus listened intently to the noises whilst making sure Janus didn't trip in the darkness. An annoyed sigh left Remus' lips as he recognised the noise.

He squeezed Janus' hand and looked over at him, meeting his eyes in the dull moonlight. "Y'know how you told me to stop talking to ghosts and shit like that?" Remus stopped walking and blew some hair out of his eyes, noticing how Janus' expression had already turned annoyed.

Janus sighed and leaned against the wall, nodding wordlessly. He was still sort of afraid despite knowing the ghosts that Remus was talking about. After all, Janus had a fear of the dark, quite ironic for a person who lived basically surrounded by darkness.

Remus smiled sheepishly and followed Janus as he walked into the living room, picking up his pace to keep up with him. As soon as Janus entered the room, a knock at the door sounded through the room. Janus sighed and walked over to the door, Remus close behind him. Janus opened the door revealing a ghostly figure flipping their own decapitated hand with their still attached one.

The ghost looked up and smiled innocently acting as if they hadn't just been floating around downstairs making all sorts of noises. "Oh heyyy, guys..." Echo spun around randomly and waved with their unattached hand. Janus purposely hit his head against the wall before flopping onto the nearby sofa, stuffing his face into the pillow.

"Come in, Echo." Remus smiled and watched as they floated into the house, being much more quiet than before. They threw their hand in Remus' face and giggled. "Thank you so much." Remus said sarcastically, grabbing the ghosts arm and reattaching the hand.

Echo hovered upside-down above Janus and tilted their head, looking over at Remus who was leaning against the wall. "Is he okay?"

Remus nodded and walked over, sitting on the arm of the chair. "Yeah, you just scared him with the noise you were making down here, plus he's tired." He ran his fingers through Janus' hair, earning an annoyed but peaceful smile.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry!" Echo apologised, sighing softly. "Oooh did I interrupt your kinky time?! My bad!" They smirked and squeaked as Janus threw a pillow through their ghostly form.

Echo looked at them both and winked, muttering under their breath;

"Hehe, I definitely did."

Hii! I'm sorry that this chapter came out later than usual again, I wrote this whilst walking in the street to different arcades and I'm sure I got many weird looks-

I also apologise if there are any typos! :p

I don't recommend walking and writing peoples! It's not safe, don't be like meee

Anyways safety issues aside- stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haannddsss!!

I love you all! 💕

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