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Tw: slight swearing (please tell me if I missed anything)
Au: X
Words: 1017

It's Christmas Eve! 🎄🎅🏼

"I'm capable of using a chair, Remus." Janus pushed past the excitable trait, dragging a chair behind him. "Okay, but it'll be easier if I just pick your short ass up!" The two dark sides had just finished decorating the commons for Christmas and Janus was attempting to put the demon on top of the tree but alas, he was too short.

Janus groaned and let the chair fall onto the floor, crossing his arms. "Fine. You better not touch my ass or I will kick you in the dick." The snake-like side squeaked as he was lifted up onto Remus' shoulders. "Wow- you're not strong at all." Janus rested a gloved hand on Remus' head, reaching up to put the decoration on the top of the tree. "Why're you so light, Snakey?" Remus asked, dragging the unused chair back into the kitchen, Janus still perched on the Duke's shoulders.

"I don't know. Can I get down now?" Janus looked down, watching Remus' hands which were holding onto Jan's legs. "What's the magic word~?" Remus teased, spinning around just to scare Janus. The snake yelped and buried his face in Remus' hair, not wanting to be dropped. "Pleassse?" With that, Janus' feet were safely back on the carpet. "Thank you, 'Mus. Go get the ssstockings would you?" Janus dusted himself off. "Anything for you, Jay!" Remus ran hastily upstairs, eager to help Janus.

As he watched Remus leave, Janus leaned against the wall, sighing under his breath. He knew that he liked Remus but he didn't know how much longer he could deny it. Janus always covered up his feelings by being cold and sarcastic towards the intrusive trait, but something about Remus being around just made Janus melt. 'I need to talk to someone.' He decided, pulling out his phone, staring at the scrap on the screen from when he'd thrown it at Remus for trying to lick his scales.

Roman, are you busy?

the annoying twin
it depends, what do you need, snake?

...relationship advice

the annoying twin
gasp!! who is it??? it's my brother isn't it! 

...maybe. i don't know what
to do.

the annoying twin

uh what?

the annoying twin

idk... what if he doesn't wanna? i'm not gonna force him to kiss me

the annoying twin
he will. trust me, he likes you!

...okay... thanks Roman I gtg he's coming downstairs

the annoying twin
okie! tell me how it's goes, brother in law!! ;)

Janus looked up as Remus' footsteps made their way down the stairs. "I got the stockings! You okay, Jan? You look anxious as fuck." Remus walked over to him, setting the stockings down on the couch by the fireplace. "Huh? Oh, I'm fine. Thanks for getting them, can you hang them up? I gotta go get- something from the kitchen." Janus smiled awkwardly and ran into the kitchen. Not suspicious at all.

Remus blinked and decided to shrug off Janus' unusual behaviour. Maybe he's just stressed? Anyway, if something was bothering him, Remus knew Jan would tell him. Wouldn't he?

Meanwhile, Janus was in the kitchen trying to bring himself to summon some mistletoe. He took a breath and slipped off his gloves, snapping so a piece of mistletoe appeared. "That's the easy part done I guessss." He mumbled to himself. With another snap of his fingers, the mistletoe was hung above the doorway separating the kitchen and living room. Perfect.

"Remus, can you come here when you're done, please?" Janus leaned against the counter, his nerves making his hands shake. "Yep! I'll be right there!" Janus nodded and walked towards the doorway, his eyes meeting Remus' as they stood in front of each other. Remus raised an eyebrow and followed Janus' gaze as his eyes traveled up. "You sneaky snake." Remus chuckled, a smirk appearing on his lips.

Janus blushed lightly and looked away. "We don't have to if you don't want to." He nervously played with his sleeve, his confidence having abandoned him completely. "Who says I don't want to?" Remus took a step forward, hesitating before holding Janus' waist. The deceptive trait gasped quietly and rested his hands on Remus' shoulders, their faces inching closer. Sensing how nervous Janus was, Remus smirked and closed the gap between them, kissing him gently. Janus' eyes widened as he kissed back, allowing his hands to slide up to cup Remus' cheeks. As the kiss deepened, both sides slowly became more confident and Remus felt himself being pushed up against the wall, moaning softly into the kiss. It was Janus' turn to smirk as they pulled away, leaning a very flustered Remus pressed carefully against the wall.

"You're a good kisser." Remus spoke up, looking down at Janus who'd since let him go. "Ssso are you." Janus blushed as Remus held his waist. "You can get more kisses if you'll be my boyfriend." Janus added, glancing down to make sure Remus' hands didn't travel any lower. "Fuck yes! This is the best Christmas ever!" Remus laughed, his face heating up as he hears Janus giggle. "It's Christmasss Eve." Remus groaned playfully and picked Janus up bridal style, carrying him over to the couch for some warm cuddles by the fire. "Shut up and kiss me again."

And of course, Janus obliged. He'd have to text Roman later and tell him it went well. But for now, cuddles!!!

i'm sorry for not updating much, I've been busy especially because it's almost Christmas.

I've also been binge watching Victorious and I'm now
on season 2 of iCarly :D

also, if you all didn't know, I have a YouTube channel! It has the same name as my Wattpad so it's easy to find! i uploaded a video yesterday so you can check that out if you wanna!

anyways, stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haaannndssss!!

oh and of course, MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE!!!

I love you all! ❤️🎄✨

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