Veronica has a message!

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Hihiii!! Hey!! Papa really shood find a better password for his laptop- Dad's birthday isnt a very sucure one hehe!!

anyway- hey!! it's Veronica! Just came here to brake the forth wall and tell you all that a new chapter continuing my life as the Demus child, is being worked on right now!!! I thought itd be more entertayning (i can never spell that word im sorry-) if i deliverd the message myself!!

oooo!! also!! if you have any questions youd like to aks me in the comments, you can!! id love to talk to you all!!! hopefully papa doesnt find out i stoll his laptop- mwahaha!!! he and dad are cuddling on the sofa- i think theyre both asleep actually. 

im sorry if theres allotta spelling mistakes.. we werent really tought well at the center.. 

bye byes for now, fanders!!! thats what Roman told me you all are called!!!

mwahh!! <33

-Veronica Sanders 

[New chapter will be out by the end of the month! My motivation has been killing me, thank you all so much for being patient with me!]

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