
943 42 48

Tw: [fake] blood, swearing
Au: X
Words: 900

October 15th 2020
16 days until Halloween 🎃

"Can I be a stripper?" Remus smirked as he span around on a lamppost he was passing. Janus looked away and started walking a little bit faster, stifling a giggle.

Janus turned back around to make sure Remus was still following him, which he was. "What, like in general or-?" He smirked, watching Remus' cheeks redden lightly.

"N-No! Well, maybe- but I meant for Halloween." Remus caught up to his boyfriend and held onto his hand to keep him close. "What're you gonna be, Jan?" Remus asked to which Janus shrugged.

In all honesty, which was unusual for the snek, Janus had no idea what he was going to be for Halloween. He just hoped that whilst they were looking around the costume store, he'd find something he liked.

Once they arrived at the store, Remus walked directly over to the more ~revealing~ costumes, looking through them all. On the other hand, Janus had opted for the more traditional Halloween section. Vampires, witches, zombies, etc.

He knew he wanted something that looked even the slightest old fashioned, Victorian maybe? That was the style Janus normally preferred, as his regular attire was based on the time of Jack the Ripper.

Meanwhile, Remus had already picked out a few items such as; black fishnet tights, dark green fingerless gloves and some black, green and white makeup. He observed the shelves of costumes and accessories before his eyes landed on a black neck ruffle. "Perfect."

A few minutes had passed and Janus had finally narrowed it down to two costume choices. It was between a pirate and a vampire. "I mean, I already have fangs." He mumbled to himself, running his tongue across his snake-like fangs. Finally, he came to the conclusion of being a vampire, but that wasn't the end of the decision making. Now, the even more difficult choice. Should he wear a dress?

Janus considered this for a while before picking up the beautifully laced dress and held it against himself. He bit his lip anxiously and looked over at a mirror, staring at his reflection. "Y'know what? Fuck you, anxiety and insecurity. I'm doing thisss."

Now was time for accessories! Janus made his way over to the isle and smirked as he saw Remus at the far end. Remus however, seemed very concentrated on what he was looking at so Janus didn't interrupt him. Janus admired all of the items and picked out some black and red laced gloves, a black choker and tights decorated with bats.

Once he'd chosen a few more accessories, to complete his look, he browsed through the makeup, picking out a few things along with some fake blood he found in another isle. Janus had found everything he needed and just at that moment, his phone vibrated.

1 new message
baby octopus 🐙💚: i've got all my stuff!! meet me in isle 5 when you're done!!! :p

Janus smiled as he read the message and typed a response as he made his way across the store.

okay, hun, i'll be right theree

"Jan-Jan!" Remus giggled as he caught sight of his boyfriend at the start of the isle. "Ooo, what did you get?" He tilted his head and looked in Janus' basket, catching sight of the dress. "Eeee! you're gonna look adorable in that!"

"Heh, thank you, darling." Janus blushed and inspected Remus' basket of things, raising an elegant eyebrow. His eyes traveled from item to item, piecing it all together in his mind. "Awe, you're being yourself~" He teased, looking back up at Remus.

"Oi, I'm not a clown." Remus giggled and kissed Janus quickly, ruffling his hair. "I was literally just picking up random shit until I saw the neck ruffle and I was like- clown. Yes."

Janus laughed softly and held onto Remus' hand as they walked over to pay. He basically hid behind Rem the whole time, doing everything he could to avoid talking to human beings.

Once they'd gotten back home, Remus noticed that Janus still looked quite anxious despite them being sat on the sofa. He could tell when something was wrong from the smallest of signs. Remus tilted Janus' chin up and kissed him sweetly, pulling away after a few seconds. "You okay, baby?" Remus' voice was soft as he spoke, which won him a smile and nod from Janus.

"Mhm, I just don't know if I'll look okay in the dresss." Janus scratched his scales and sighed, relaxing slightly as Remus pulled him closer to his chest.

"Jan, sweetheart. You look stunning in absolutely everything. You've got nothing to worry about. Trust me, you're gonna look even more breathtaking than usual, which is basically impossible." The taller male ran his fingers through Janus' hair and hummed soothingly, smiling as Jay relaxed fully in his arms.

Janus nodded and snuggled into the warmth of Remus' chest, gently kissing his neck. "Thank you, 'Mus."

As Remus held his boyfriend close, he began singing a gentle song, one that slowly sent Janus into a well deserved sleep.

i also wanna be a clown for Halloween so that's where i got the idea for Remus' outfit!

i hope you all liked this chapter :)

mwah, hugs to you all!

and pLease remember,
stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haaannddsss!!

I love you all. 💕

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