❥Self Acceptance

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Tw: Dysphoria
Au: Human
Words: 258

Remus' P.O.V

"I hate it. I fucking hate it." I whispered to myself as I look into the mirror. What stared back at me hurt me every time. I was due to have top surgery next month but until then, almost every day was painful. I hear a knock on the door and I quickly change back into my normal outfit. "Wh-who is it?"

"It's Deceit. Can I come in?" He was using his soft tone of voice that he usually used around me. I smiled slightly before replying, "S-Sure, come on in" I quickly dry my eyes before the door opens and my boyfriend walks in.

He takes one look at me and the mirror and understands immediately what's wrong. "Awh honey.. c'mere." He opens his arms and I quietly fall into them, burying my face into his neck and letting the tears fall. It was hard to pretend to be okay when you're really not and Dece knew this. He knew that what I'm going through is hard and he's always been there to support me.

"I love you so much sweetheart. You can do this. We'll do this together and I'll be with you always." He continued whispering comforting words to me as the tears slowly stopped falling.

Even though things were difficult and dysphoria hits hard, I know that I'll always have him with me and he'll always love me for who I am.

Just a short bit of fluff that I thought ya'll might like :)

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