❥ Reputation Or Truth? -part 2

569 33 43

Tw: slight swearing, mentions of homophobia and transphobia, dysphoria, (please tell me if i missed anything!)
Au: human
Words: 2436 (I didn't even realise how much I wrote- holy-)

It's finally here!! :D

As the school bell rang signalling the end of the day, Remus and Janus walked together to the schools exit. Their shoulders brushed together a few times, causing both boys to blush subtly. They really were just two oblivious idiots. "Roman's most likely gonna be annoying whilst you're there, by the way." Remus warned, walking down the steps of the school. Janus chuckled and shrugged. "I've been friends with him for a while, I'm used to it." He stepped a bit closer to Remus as they passed a bunch of popular kids, immediately feeling uncomfortable around them.

Remus noticed this and hesitantly held his hand out, ready for Janus to reject the offer. To his surprise, Janus took his hand, holding it tighter than he'd intended to. Remus didn't mind though, he could see that Janus was nervous. "If they say anything to you, I'll decapitate them." Remus smiled innocently, saying this loud enough for at least one of them to hear, causing at least two of the kids to shut their mouths.

"Thank you, Remus." Janus smiled gratefully and tugged at Remus' hand slightly as they neared a road. They stood hand in hand, waiting for the cars to stop. "I'm not gonna get hit, Jan." Remus laughed lightly, watching the look of concern slowly fade from Janus' expression. "I don't trust you not to," He checked that the cars had stopped before
walking across the room, pulling an offended looking Remus behind him.

Once they'd arrived at Remus' house, Janus' anxiety and self consciousness immediately kicked in again. He smoothed down his shirt, trying to flatten his chest despite already wearing his binder. Speaking of, he should probably take it off soon, breathing was beginning to become more difficult. Remus noticed this and having not dropped Janus' hand throughout their journey, he squeezed it gently, attempting to comfort him again.

"I'm home, Mom!" Remus lead Janus into the living room where his mom was sat watching tv. "Oh, Hi, Remus! Where's your brother?" She asked, just then noticing Janus, who was basically hidden behind Remus. "Who's this, honey?" She looked up at Remus again, her voice softening having noticed Janus' nerves. Although Janus had been there before, Remus' mom had always been working. He knew the twins dad, though.

Remus turned his head slightly and motioned for Janus to step toward slightly. Janus did so, smiling timidly at Remus' mom. "Roman's on his way, we left before him. This is my friend Janus." Janus perked up at this, him and Remus were friends? Wow. But, was there a chance that they could be more than that?- I mean, they had just properly started talking to each other today, so Janus knew the chance was low.

His mom nodded and smiled back at Janus. "It's nice to meet you, Janus. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen, boys." She smiled again before going back to watching tv, picking up the remote to change the channel. She had noticed they were holding hands but decided it was none of her business to question it.

Remus walked with Janus into the kitchen to grab some snacks, before noticing small tears making their way down Janus' cheeks. "Hey, are you okay?" He reached a hand out to cup Janus' cheek, being careful not to touch his scar. "Is it anxiety or?-" He felt Janus hesitantly lean into the touch on his cheek, shaking his head as he sniffled. "Heh, no. I guess I just got emotional when your mom referred to us as "boys." I don't get that sort of validation at home." He explained, voice shaky as he talked about his home life.

"Oh, that makes sense. I'm sorry that you get misgendered at home, could I help in any way?" Remus offered, looking at Janus sympathetically as he grabbed some snacks and drinks. Janus shrugged and helped him carry some of the stuff, walking upstairs with him. They still hadn't dropped each other's hands.

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