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Tw: angst, unsympathetic Patton, blood mentions, crying - fluff at the end ofc :)
Au: X
Requested by: @Gachitis101
Words: 1761

A quiet whimper slipped from Remus' lips as he shuffled around in his sleep. His mind clouded with a familiar yet unwanted memory: when Thomas' creativity split.

The darker twin lay trembling, blood dripping from multiple parts of his body, a sharp pain thundered through him. The poor twin had no idea what had just happened. He lifted his head weakly as he watched his now brother being lifted up by a man who wore a light blue shirt with a cardigan wrapped around his shoulders.

Then, footsteps. The side who lay on the floor gazed up at the person who had entered. He looked much like the man who was holding the uninjured twin in his arms apart from the fact he wore a black shirt and light blue tie. "Morality, I heard a clamorous noise and had to-" The side who was speaking stopped and looked first at the side in Morality's arm, then at the bleeding twin on the ground.

"You did it..." 
"Of course I did Logie! Everything will be better now."  Morality smiled, not paying even a little bit of attention to the side who lay on the ground in agony.

"I thought you were joking.." Logic looked into Morality's eyes, his cold, glazed over brown eyes before continuing to speak. "What are we going to do with- him?" He gestured a shaky hand to the trembling, dark green pile on the floor.

Morality huffed as he held the unconscious prince in his arms. "We give him to Deceit."

Logic looked him dead in the eyes once more and tried to process what he had heard. "Why?"

"Because, there's no way that Deceit is going to put up with him. He'll probably discard of him soon enough." Came Morality's cold response and before Logic could argue, with one wave of the sides spare hand, Deceit appeared.

"What do you want, Morality?" The snake- like side looked directly at the side he was addressing only just noticing who he held in his arms. "You sssplit them?" His lisp snuck out, his voice laced with annoyance. "I told you that sssomeone could get hurt!"

Morality only smiled at this and gestured to the side who had given up on watching what was happening around him, collapsing fully to the ground where he lay. Deceit gasped as he kneeled down next to the bleeding side, bringing him to his chest not caring about the blood that got on his clothing.

"He's all yours, we don't need a freak like him in the light side anyway." Morality smiled coldly as he heard a small whimper come from the dark twin.

Deceit let out a defensive hiss as he held the side close. He backed away from the two- well, three light sides, beginning to tremble himself.

"Oh, Deceit?" Morality still had the same cold, fake smile on his lips.


He said something to the snake in his sing-song voice and with that the door slammed, leaving Deceit trying his best to comfort the now sobbing side in his arms.

Remus shot up gay in his bed, cold sweat dripping down his face. It was the same nightmare every time. Well, it wasn't really a nightmare. It was a memory. His thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock at his door. The Duke jumped slightly before bringing himself to answer. "C-come in"

The door opened and Deceit stood in the doorway noticing how Remus immediately turned away as if to hide his face from the snek. "Breakfast isss ready, Rem come down when you're ready." His voice was soft, vastly different to how he was on camera. Dee would always drop his intimidating facade around Remus. It was one of the things that made Rem feel special.

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